“A cappuccino please.”
“What she said.”
off course I start from coffee, and off course you have already guessed where this conversation takes place and between whom.
We could almost call it a “keep calm” situation even if the calm does not last long …
About Luchino Caffe I love the checkered floor, but being able to find myself at that red table instead of coffee or cappuccino I would like a polyjuice!
“Has anyone seen a toad?”
Hermione won us over immediately: her hair, her way of moving her head to underline even more her wit, her “knowing everything” fully deserved.
Surely Emma Watson has been good at interpretation, as much as in not remaining tied to the character, accompanying her personal and professional growth with a completely unique path.
An emblematic coffee is the one completely different in Bling Ring. An opposite characterization, in which a certain inclination for the world of fashion emerges, which is the reason why I’m talking about her.
First, however, I would like to underline how hers is a completely personal style, which goes through very specific choices and relevant initiatives, among which the speech to the UN as women’s ambassador in favor of the HeForShe campaign for UNwomen in defense of the gender equality.
Yet she always remains simply magical, and becomes a book fairy by leaving copies of the book “Mom & Me & Mom” in the London Underground for booksharing Books On the Underground.
Or organizing a reading group, a sort of book club with which it promotes female sharing.
And even though she entered the Guinness Book of Records at only 19 years of age to be the actress of the decade that achieved the highest takings, she maintains a precise line also in terms of fashion: passionate about looks and trends, but only strictly eco-friendly.
You can follow her here.
So fashion, but ethical fashion, far from the sacked wardrobes in Sofia Coppola’s film!
A very precise “platform”, a concrete “platform”, a unique journey whose last stop is
Emma Watson has joined the board of directors.
“You really are the brightest witch of your age!”