greenAPES and APE Alliance
I recently received the greenAPES newsletter with the good news that the cities of Parma and Prato joined the jungle!
Do you already know this social on environmental sustainability?
In case you are a “monkey” maybe you want to tell me your experience, otherwise I suggest you explore here because you can get interesting ideas.
This funny video expresses the basic concept that starts from the idea of primates: us.
As primates we should have the fate of the planet at heart by evolving into green … always bearing in mind that no one is infallible and therefore sometimes the result is not perfect … but we try!
And even in this case, sharing is a winning card.
So successful that it materializes in winning: the prizes are obtained through the conversion of the notorious bankonuts, or discount codes and coupons that can be used at sustainable partners in the city.
greenAPES is supported by the European CHEST project (Collective enHanced Environment for Social Tasks) but was born in Florence: thanks to Gregory Eve CEO and co-founder together with Francesco Zingales, Renato Orsato and Giovanni Bajo.
Gregory Eve: Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florence and Master Environmental Management from the Lund University in collaboration with which in 2011 he organized the Green2bee Sustainability World tour.
I found this video: AlexanderPlatz, reckon it dates back ten years… at some point in the glee they made me think of “O’Malley and the Alley Cats” from Aristocats …
(Can I open a WHO CARES parenthesis? Do you know that O’Malley’s original voice belonged to Scatman Crothers aka Dick Halloran from The Shining?)
obviously needless to say the Italian language is not represented …
And while I was looking for coffee-sized representations I came across another green monkey: Green Ape Coffee which is part of the Ape Alliance: an international coalition of organisations and individuals, working for the conservation and welfare of apes and the rainforests they live in.
Be that as it may: green Ape or Ape alliance, these are commendable initiatives.
At this point, however, I cannot fail to mention Dian Fossey: “I had a wondeful contact, especially with Uncle Bert who was an angel and led the whole group over to my side of a steep ravine I could not cross to get over to them.”
When we say “only have to learn” …