The Christmas countdown indicates 8 days to Christmas! While waiting today, the Advent calendar offers us the story of Alice Jane Raynor.
I did not know Alice and she is a fantastic discovery!
Starting with the name which is a tribute to her beloved Jane Eyre.
The restlessness was in my nature; it agitated me to pain sometimes.
Jane Eyre is really a character of the heart, so how not to immediately become attached to Alice?
Among other things, I discover that she loves to read everything, she studies mechanical engineering, is passionate about chemistry and physics, and also carries out historical research …
You will say: there can be nothing more! But no, there is more!
Alice experience her first publication at the age of sixteen.
I can only say chapeau and advise you to read his story The spirit of Christmas:
I walk the streets of a city – my city – and look at the shop windows, barely raising my eyes to a light, a reflection of golden paper and the notes of Christmas music that filters through the doors. The crowd forces me to proceed with a slowness that does not please me. I usually avoid those crowded places, these sticky people who stick to every part of my body… go on here.