Sunday the 4th of July in the beautiful setting in the courtyard of Palazzo Merula in Vigevano where, among other things, there is the municipal historical archive, Ermanno Boccalari‘s book was presented: Jewish presence in Vigevano in remote and recent history part of a special series “Leading roles” edited by Astrolabio and Punto & Virgola.
The author has carried out a precise and meticulous research which reveals the first testimonies of Jewish bankers in 1400 during the period of the Visconti Sforza duchy and which embraces all types sector.
We were therefore able to hear stories of doctors as well as architects, and for example we learned that the first recipe of a typical local product actually comes from a kosher preparation.
The all-round excursus also included the seventh art: with a quote dedicated to Il maestro di Vigevano by Elio Petri, as regards the wife of the master played by Alberto Sordi, or actress Claire Bloom.
Wikipedia gives us an image with a cup of coffee on the table of one of the Cafe in Piazza Ducale.
Speaking of Piazza Ducale: have you ever noticed the star of David on the cobblestones in front of the Cathedral?