For the Advent calendar today is Paola Pioletti‘s day!
In the very first exchange with Paola, she told me about a coat by Vivienne Westwood worn to shoot a video, then the topics covered involved everything, but not in the sense of the common way of saying, I really mean EVERYTHING!
Paola is an artist at three hundred and sixty degrees, because her art resides is her true essence.
To tell the truth, I cannot enclose my idea of her in a definition: Paola is in continuous evolution, like a chameleonic, volcanic, and extremely communicative Soul, whose main aspect, however, is to always remain herself.
I absolutely recommend that you follow her Instagram profile because her stories are one more enchanting than the other!
These days her book La casa di cera: the journey of a girl who was not there has been released which unfortunately I have not yet had the opportunity to read, but I will leave you the link for Silvia’s review on the blog Come cerchi sull’acqua.
And regarding the calendar, obviously Paola has created a unique surprise, you can find it here!