Ho chiuso con te, Guida Editori is the book for which I would like to thank Manuale di Mari and the author: Emanuela Esposito Amato.
Ho chiuso con te is a sentence that immediately leads us to think of something peremptory, of an unhappy and angry epilogue, yet the book opens up many reflections.
The first ‘reflection’ is literally a mirror image: the book’s protagonists are twins bound by a promise.
Two sisters, one thing.
One thing just like the two opposing sides of the same soul: good and evil, Yin and Yang, Motown and Metal.
Do you also have an inside-out juxtaposition?
Escher comes to mind.
Maurits Cornelis Escher, Bond of Union, April 1956. Lithograph, 25.3×33.9 cm, The Netherlands, Escher Foundation Collection All M.C. Escher works © 2021 The M.C. Escher Company The Netherlands. All rights reserved
We are wrong when we believe we are in truth and vice versa.
Thomas Bernhard
On the subject of what is true, the author, before telling the story, quotes a sentence by Oscar Wilde:
Is it really so? Do you feel yourself always and everywhere?
Is there a person in the world who really knows you to the core?
Emanuela Esposito Amato who is currently participating in The international book fair in Turin, dedicated the book to his brother.
His dedication immediately put me on his wavelength because I also think that ‘my’ brother is a BIG brother.
Do you have brothers or sisters? What kind of bond do you have, if you don’t mind me asking?
Very often there are stories of brotherly misunderstandings, quarrels, break-ups … of ‘I’m done with you.’
But will this really be the focus of the book?
I leave it to the reader to find out.