

The TOHorror Fantastic Film Fest will take place in Turin from the 19th to 24th of October, are you a lover of the genre?

Obviously I was captured by the logo with the profile of the cat next to the Mole Antonelliana, but the reason why I was interested is I 12 passi – The 12 steps …

I already told you about Black Ink podcasts, advising you to listen to her stories

Now Serena is among the finalists of the contest Il gatto nero – The black cat and I can only say CHAPEAU.

The official page opens with a quote from Edgar Allan Poe and therefore I would say that there is only the classic “nothing to tell about,” but it closes with something less universally known: Donald Barthelme The aim of literature … is the creation of a strange object covered with fur which breaks your heart.”

Donald Barthelme was also called “modern Dadaist” and in fact, here I am trying to focus on that strange hairy object of which he speaks, but hoping to have saved the heart.

But let’s go back to TOHorror, I don’t know if you follow this event but I would say that the occasion is tempting also in view of the period: All Saints or Halloween or Samhain or Nos Galan Gaeaf whatever you want, and I would say that the ideas are certainly interesting.

The TOHorror website tells us that the first edition of the film festival, dated 1999, had none other than Dario Argento as godfather,  but does not mention an event in my opinion epochal that instead I recommend you to see absolutely:

the director Tiziano Sossi explains that the original version is 76 minutes long, and therefore, researching I found this very precious translation of Fucinemute which represents an unmissable document!

Especially after the part of the interview we listened to, I would quote this passage from the interview, which particularly struck me:

I moved when I was 5 years old to Kentucky, in a boring and very small town in south of United Stated and everything that I learned about evil, everything that I know about I have learned in that little town, from people there“.

This in my opinion is true horror! Am I wrong?

Ok, let’s change range:

My parents gave me enormous gifts, my fahter gave me a movie camera but he gave me music, he was a music professor and he gave me the joy of music, I growth around it, listen to it was the soundtrack of my life.”

Wow. What to say? Don’t you get at least two / three thousand questions?

And you? Would you like to tell what the soundtrack of your life is like?



It means night of the winter calends and represents the fusion between the Celtic New Year Samhain and the pagan festival in honor of Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruits, which was celebrated at the end of the agricultural harvest period as thanks for the gifts received.

Symbolically a sort of moment of mingling between the world of the living and that of the dead as the idea of ​​death is in tune with the phase in which nature is extinguished, to rest during the winter.

The association with religious worship is a subsequent superposition of Pope Boniface IV in an attempt to convert the pagan festival by emphasizing the Christian faith and the celebration of the saints: All Saints.

So, in my humble opinion, about the judgments on the American version, it would be good if we knew our origins, and were more inclined to pass them on.

Personally I find that celebrating Halloween with the classic trick or treat is absolutely fun, and worth entertaining children and more, just because smiles never hurt.

Even more so in this 2020, making children and young people but also those who are differently young smile should be a need felt by anyone, and if it is not possible to go out masked, it does not mean that we should not even celebrate at home.

There are little things that can be prepared with minimal expense and less time.
Simple things to do together, such as cutting out paper bats to hang on the windows, or making the skull cake and mummy sausages.

What do you think of Halloween? Do you have any traditional habits or special recipes?

I would say that this time our coffee can be the Pumpkin Spice version Keep Calm: double ration of cinnamon laughing what do you say?


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