There is still tomorrow which sees the directorial debut of Paola Cortellesi is the film that won the Audience Award, Special Jury Prize and Mention as Best First Work at the Rome Film Festival

Paola Cortellesi doesn’t need to be introduced, I always remember one of her gags in which she ironically listed all the things she has done, which are really so many and very different from each other, but which have the same feature in common: they are all done well.

I thank Elisa and her proposal: we went to the movies together fearing that we would have to use tissues to wipe tears and instead we mostly surprised ourselves.

The Friends.
In the movie: Delia and Marisa.

Emotion, however, was not lacking.

I, for one, was moved by the portrayal of a mother’s love for her daughter, who is played by Romana Maggiora Vergano in the film.

A love above all things, a love for which nothing is impossible, a pure and unwavering love.

Fragility and strength in a maelstrom of endurance and determination in which the ability to carry the crushing weight of a long interminable series of verbal and physical injustices and bullying, is catalyzed in the resolute will to seek a better destiny for Marcella.

Mother and daughter.

A crushed mother and a model daughter who does not understand Delia’s submission.

Succumbing and resisting at the same time, in a dance that is broken melody, is rock, is hip hop rap, is retro.

Marcella does not understand, but she will.

Marcella will look at her mother Delia and see the affirmation of a seemingly simple but extremely important gesture as a right, as a beginning.

Every change has a beginning.

There is still tomorrow represents “the music that changes” in a literal sense: I cannot fail to mention the repertoire songs from the soundtrack:
Aprite le finestre Fiorella Bini
Nessuno Naked Music
Perdoniamoci Achille Togliani
A bocca chiusa Daniele Silvestri
M’innamoro davvero Fabio Concato
La notte dei miracoli Lucio Dalla
Calvin The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
B.O.B. – Bombs Over Baghdad Outkast
The little things Big Gigantic featuring Angela McCluskey
Swinging on the right side Lorenzo Maffia and Alessandro La Corte
Tu sei il mio grande amor Lorenzo Maffia, Alessandro La Corte and Enrico Rispoli.

Surprising, isn’t it?

Surprising as what you don’t expect from There is still tomorrow: the ending.

Indeed, in my heart I hoped that Delia’s project would not be the obvious one, but at the same time I would not have guessed an epilogue like the one with which Paola Cortellesi invites everyone to a beautiful reflection.

Light yet explosive, simple yet disruptive, just like Delia, just like Paola.

Yes because Delia is Paola, she is Marcella, and she is our grandmother.

Delia is so many lives of giving up, Delia is so many years of suffering.

Like nothing at all.



Memento mori are the words on the official of Depeche mode website, written in an original way, under a countdown in red.

Memento mori is the title of Depeche Mode‘s  new work to be released on March 24th.

Do you ever find particular connections on multiple levels, with respect to artistic forms that represent elements that are particularly close to your heart?

Here it is: on the official Instagram profile you can find this video showing, somewhat in speed painting style, a huge mural depicting wings … and you know I have a thing for wings, right?

But my connection with Depeche Mode is very very far back in time: my first concert in Milan.

By the way, Milan recurs in their story because Violator was partly recorded right in Milan in the Mecenate area.

Legendary is the anecdote of the sound of footsteps on the staircase trumpet, other than electronic percussion …

Speaking of Violator tomorrow is the anniversary of its release: March 19, 1990.

33, like Jesus age, that Personal Jesus they wanted to personalize, humanize, make tangible.

Feeling unknown
And you’re all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I’ll make you a believer

This concept expressed in the song was somehow made real with the launch to promote the single: a simply brilliant idea.

On a page of the Melody Maker appeared only a telephone number accompanied by the words Your Own Personal Jesus.

Those who called the number had the opportunity to hear the fragment “reach out and touch faith” followed by the very famous riff.

Isn’t this music history?

By the way, doesn’t it make you nostalgic for the days when phones didn’t follow us every minute of the day, and when the idea of “fearing” unknown phone numbers as a potential source of commercial stalking would never have crossed our minds?

But back to Memento mori: it means “remember you must die.”

I fortunately or unfortunately can never think of these words without associating them with Non ci resta che piangere, so instead of crying, I smile.

Also Dave Gahan and Martin Gore want to mean their Memento mori in a positive sense, as a Carpe Diem: live to the fullest.

As Fletch would have it.

And so here they are, in the video once again edited by Anton Corbijn playing chess with death as in Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal

Ghosts again

The journey of life: from trying to make the spirit tangible, to thinking about being happy even after something is over.

Do you think it’s really the perfect balance of melancholy and joy like Dave Gahan?

Can you remind yourself that “you have to die”?

I know, posed like this, this question seems absurd, I often get angry with myself: when I get caught up in the daily delusions instead of valuing every single day, every single moment.

Tell me that you are better at this than I am.


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