Caffeinated zombie in particular is impersonated … can we say ‘impersonated?’ Just kidding of course!

I mean, reading the title you must have immediately thought of Jim Jarmusch’s film The Dead Don’t Die, do you know it?

If you don’t know it, ‘this is going to end badly’ …

I don’t know about you, but we really like to quote some iconic lines from this film.

But back to our caffeinated zombie aka the Iguana of rock: Iggy Pop

Born James Newell Osterberg Jr., you can really say anything about him.

Even that he roams Centerville with his inseparable pot of coffee.

Caffeinated zombie

Over all I like to recall his friendship with David Bowie.

“He resurrected me” were his exact words in an interview with the New York Times

Together they went to and from Berlin and together they gave us that little gem that is China Girl, not to mention the legendary The Passenger.

Together is the adverb that can also be used when referring to Jim Jarmusch because the interpretation of a zombie is one of the many occasions in which he and Iggy also collaborated.

Staying on the subject of zombies for now, what do you think?

Do you like films and series with their range of versions from the most macabre to the most ironic?

The word zombie has its roots in the West Indies, roots intertwined with woodoo rituals, but why am I telling you about it at the start of this year?

To quote The Simpsons: ‘zombies prefer to be called disadvantaged living.’

That’s it: let us rise from slumber and worry less about definitions.

Let us live, let us feed on beauty and not on our fellow man, let us distinguish, let us change.

Otherwise, as Adam Driver repeats: this is going to end badly.

And of course I would also like to toast, like the old Mallory: Chardonnay!



The last reading I owe to Mary’s Handbook is Andrea Francavilla’s Non-Democratic Dwarf Tales.

The short stories are dwarfed in terms of length but the author’s ability to evoke situations and contexts in the space of a few words by building characters through their dialogues immediately emerges.

The short stories are not democratic, how would you personally interpret this definition?

The author mentions a friend in the acknowledgments for this very title.

These Non-Democratic Dwarf Tales have a common denominator: a rainy night.

I don’t know about you, when I think of the words ‘night’ and ‘rain’ I immediately think of the very famous phrase from the film The Crow: It can’t rain all the time.

For me it’s like a kind of mantra in difficult times.

Do you like the rain
Do you like to go out when it rains ?

The book’s protagonists are what one might call a repertoire of varied humanity and well represent hardship, frailties, mistakes, doubts, imperfections, and all the varied facets of the difficulties of living.

My compliments to the author on how he has come full circle.

Non-Democratic Dwarf Tales is a first work but I hope we will soon be able to read more by Andrea Francavilla.

In his bio he says he is convinced that behind every problem lies an opportunity and I personally have only to learn.


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