Tutto vero is the title of the book by Alessandro Depegi, whom I thank most sincerely.

I met the author as a blogger and I recommend to follow his Quarchedundepegi’s Blog, you will immediately find his way of telling stories very interesting. 

E-mail after e-mail I am learning so much from Alessandro and I find everything he writes absolutely valuable.

Through his real ‘oral tradition‘ he opens a window on a period of history that I personally have never had the opportunity to get to know in such depth and detail.

But among the peculiarities that make Alessandro Depegi’s expressive language totally unique are his passions, including philately.

A world that is unfortunately dying out, a world that is dear to me because it also fascinated my father.

Do you still use stamps? When was the last time you received or saw one?

I often tell you about my personal nostalgia for letters

Did you ever think you could travel by following the route of a stamp, or discovering the history of various issues?

Few people have such detailed philatelic knowledge as he does.

But even fewer people have Alessandro’s life experience: a man who was able to combine his scientific expertise with deep and intense human research.

All true, then, what he tells in his book, just as definitely important is everything on which the reader will find himself reflecting “with wonder” to quote his words, and “by chance … that chance that does not exist.”

I conclude with this quote, wishing along with Alessandro that many may be the “Awakened.”

“Everything is either true or untrue, true and untrue together and, likewise, neither untrue nor true. Such is the teaching of the Awakened Ones.”



Textual report: Youtube has stopped the Byoblu channel broadcasting. The justification? The filming of a demonstration in the square 7 months ago. For citizens, no news right! Over half a million members built in 14 years of sacrifices gone up in smoke. Two thousand interviews with Constitutional Court judges, politicians, economists, magistrates, lawyers, journalists, intellectuals, two hundred million video views, all your comments, all your shares … all gone up in smoke!

I have already expressed my disappointment and my thoughts about such acts on the occasion of the closure of the Radio Radio channel and today exactly the same words are valid.

Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, these positions only generate the opposite effect: what could be so subversive?

What, we weak minds who do not know how to distinguish the messages that are addressed to us, we absolutely cannot listen?

We will still have a chance to find out, and at this point, it will be worth thinking much more carefully.



We have had evidence of how our custom can easily collapse like a house of cards.
Have you ever thought about it in these terms?
In a whisper the daily habits went from being routine in some cases even the subject of complaints, to being a precious certainty that we would like to have again.
In this, I believe we can say that we are united on a global level, although everyone has their own story, everyone walks their own path, and everyone has their own habits.
Habits that for some had perhaps become heavy bricks like habituation, for others instead modular and elusive as sand, or, just like in the tale of the three houses, built with cards.
Cards that say who we are as documents or badges, cards that frame us, allow us access, lead us, regulate us, finance us: cards, tickets, maps, contracts, banknotes.
Cards that represent our actions, our life.
Cards that we accumulate, cards that we keep in balance.
Or balances that keep us standing.
Technically to build a castle too new or perfect cards slip: there is need of “lived” ones.
Cards that have played, cards that have been held in the hands. Hands that must be firm.
Hands that can never shake, because balance cannot be held in hand.
And never before have we had concrete and disturbing proof of this.
The question is: what exactly do we learn from this demonstration?
Who or what really has power over so many “houses” and how could we let them fall in the sudden way we witnessed?
We now have fewer cards available to rebuild, and we will have to adopt different “customs”, which will not be chosen.
Or maybe we should take the opportunity to learn to question, to ask ourselves questions, to consider all the hypotheses, always.
In the Operette Morali Giacomo Leopardi asks:
“… why is any custom, even if corrupt and bad, difficult to discern from nature?”
The answer seems to be Erasmus of Rotterdam:
“There is no practice, however infamous, however atrocious, that does not impose itself, if it has the custom on its side.”
Custom as well as a constant way of proceeding, is also a source of law. The unwritten source for excellence, which consists of two elements: one of a material type, that is, the reiteration of a certain behavior by a community; the other, of a subjective type although objectively verifiable, is instead the widespread belief that that behavior is, not only morally or socially, but legally mandatory.
So we should consider rebuilding on some unusual bases and starting first of all from the awareness of what is the true important essence of our life.



I start with Debbie Harry, simply because I particularly like this photo and I hope it can be an inspiration for you too.
I would skip the details of his life more strictly personal and I would speak directly of the mythical times of the CBGB after the meeting with Chris Stein and the creation of Blondie who have characterized the scene since 1974 for a long period full of successes.
Without a doubt, I mention Call Me for the collaboration with Giorgio Moroder, which has become an iconic soundtrack and more generally a piece that evokes an emotional flashback at every listening: new wave, disco music, dance rock.
Debbie stayed with Chris for fifteen years during which they also fought a serious illness together.
A wonderful Heart of glass, but at the same time a strong heart, this is the first thought I have of all about her.
A woman who at fifty-three continues marking history with a first place in the chart that enters Guinness.
A woman who knows how to cross past present and future without distinction, like her portrait made by Andy Wharol with the Amiga 1000 computer.
A woman also celebrated in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, who has been able to become a symbol with her ruffled hair and an uncalculated look but framed by her determination.
And his One way or another, deliberately covered with joy as a “survival mechanism”, resounds sadly current, making us reflect once again on the fact that over time, we persist in not treasuring experiences and that we cannot learn from mistakes, getting worse.
Anyway, let’s start from her smile and her intent to restore lightness and take an example, one way or another …


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