Fresh and tasty in summer: coffee cream.
Do you make it at home?
You can find many recipes and various tips on how to prepare coffee cream, I decided to follow Grandma Angelina‘s instructions that Monica sent me.
But as you know I am obsessed with avoiding sugar, so I personally decided not to put sugar in.
Grandma Angelina says to use icing sugar and put it in the bottle first.
Yes: Grandma Angelina’s coffee cream is made in the bottle and the only energy you need is your arms, so in the end you eat it with well-deserved satisfaction.
Here is what I used
- cream
- cold coffee
- cocoa powder
I put first the cream and then the coffee into a plastic bottle.
After closing the cap, all I did was shake the bottle for a few minutes until the desired consistency was reached.
I poured the cream into the cups and added a sprinkling of cocoa.
What do you think?
Have you ever prepared coffee cream?
The plastic bottle, including cap, is practical in this case.
How did you get on with it after the so-called ‘solidarity cap’ under the European regulation SUP or 2019 Single-Use Plastics directive became mandatory in July?
When the caps did not stick to the bottles did you behave differently?
Starting with the example of the bottle, perhaps you know of other alternative systems to the classic tools used in the kitchen, would you like to tell us about them?