Twice I have emphasized how the French had been more advanced in dealing with a giant like Amazon but this time we definitely come first, and since it is an important issue such as workers’ rights, I am particularly happy.

Well yes: it really seems that the strike scheduled for Monday 22 March is the first ever that will involve all sectors: logistics, transport and delivery, both as regards direct employees and temporary workers.

Overseas a trade union battle is taking place limited to the state of Alabama which has however received important endorsements: President Joe Biden, several members of Congress, including Senators Bernie Sanders and Marco Rubio, other unions such as the NFL Players Association, the MLB Players Association, and Black Lives Matter.

This is the direct testimony of Jennifer Bates: employed at the Bessemer warehouse.

Do you know someone who works at Amazon?
It would be interesting to hear a statement from those who are personally involved.

The various trade unions have communicated the reasons for the stop: workloads and rhythms, shift bargaining, reduction of driver hours, stabilization of fixed and interim times, compliance with health and safety regulations.

It goes without saying that we are all aware that behind our convenience of receiving the goods in click time there are people who make it possible at times and in times that are certainly not institutionally canonical.

As we know Jeff Bezos resigned in February with this letter: it’s about talented people, pride, minimum wages and livelihoods.

Undoubtedly, he must be credited with having built an empire, here are the points he has set as principles of leadership.

Intentional Darwinism, rank and yank and two out of three politics,  or anytime feedback tool are not mentioned despite a very famous New York Times survey brought up various unfortunate aspects.

So let’s wait to hear the Italian voices too.



In Italy smart working is regulated by a law backdated in 2017 as a way of executing the subordinate employment relationship characterized by the absence of time or space constraints and an organization by stages, cycles and objectives, established by agreement between employee and employer work; a modality that helps the worker to reconcile life and work times and, at the same time, encourage the growth of his productivity.
Workers are guaranteed equal treatment with their colleagues who perform the service in ordinary ways. Their protection is therefore envisaged in the event of accidents and occupational diseases, according to the procedures. And there is an equal pay.
In short, this is the theory.
But the practice? Corresponds?
I would like to know some direct opinions.
And as a topic of discussion I would put the question from the point of view of those who, in addition to work, also take care of children and housework, since I have the vision of a greater number of pins to keep in balance. Which goes back to the topic of organization.
More generally, without excluding other experiences and considering any type of work, how do you set yourself for the daily roadmap?
Does the day start with a good coffee?


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