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Propositi per Settembre: il primo di Settembre ha sempre un po’ rappresentato simbolicamente l’inizio. Di una nuova stagione, del tempo di ripensare alla scuola, del momento in cui si riprendono le varie attività che costellano la routine.
Questo però è un inizio inedito, per molti non una ripartenza, perché le cose non sono destinate a riallinearsi al “prima”.
Tu cosa ti aspetti da questo Settembre?
September is indeed a time to slow down and reevaluate goals and plans. I am writing a poetry book and thinking about starting a podcast!
So many dreams; some fall with the leaves, others live on.
Your dreams proceed and come true dearest Jaya!!
Here too I renew my heartfelt compliments for your publications and I look forward to podcasts with extreme curiosity: when I had the opportunity to hear you read one of your poems, the magic materialized in a further dimension and therefore I can only imagine what a fantastic world you will be able to create with audio <3
THANK YOU dear Jaya!
September is the time to return to working days or to the student’s bench. But in some areas this is only the beginning of the “velvet season”. In many resorts in Turkey, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Georgia, the sea has accumulated heat throughout the summer. People are reluctant to let go of summer, even in September at the sea you can sunbathe and swim perfectly. The agonizing heat is already subsiding and the time comes when you can sunbathe all day. September, with a mild warmth, favors the moment to go on excursions. A beach holiday is ideal and excursions will not leave anyone indifferent. September, a great time to catch the summer warmth and warm sea, before the rainy autumn
Dearest Lela!
With this September description of yours, you also warm my heart and make me dream of the sea in the most beautiful way.
I had never heard the definition of “velvet season” and I find it really poetic, among other things velvet is a fabric that introduces autumn so it creates as a bond of continuity, as if we could benefit from the most beautiful things without interruptions.
I would also like to grasp the metaphor of the sea that has accumulated heat and I would like to be able to hold the sun in my heart for the time before me.
I can’t tell you how much I thank you for how you know how to be a constant source of inspiration! <3