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What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?
The character played by John Cusack asks this question to everyone in Utopia.
In naming Utopia my first association of thought is Thomas More.
Among other things, remaining in the field of cinematographic fiction, Thomas More is mentioned in Leonardo’s Cinderella played by Drew Barrymore, for example.
But I discovered that Utopia is also a movie about Australian Aborigines, and seeing the painful trailer let think that situation has stopped at the time as told by Baz Luhrmann.
Utopia however is in any expression of thought.
It is art, as described in this comment, it’s a song by Björk, it is not for The Offspring, it’s even a video game.
Utopia is a controversial Channel 4 series then revised for an Amazon production by an exceptional showrunner: Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl and screenwriter by David Fincher, who appears in three different cameos, and disseminates various Easter eggs.
Utopia thus becomes a graphic novel. Viral …
A weird group of fans in search of this mysterious “comic” to be interpreted by riddles, find themselves catapulted into a reality that prefigures dystopia rather than Utopia.
Comics to tell the truth not really, it is a series of drawings by the artist Joao Ruas: some of the inspirations behind his work are the dawn of mankind, folklore, magical realism, the concept of wabi-sabi (侘寂) and human conflict.
Gillian Flynn, in an interview with the New York Times said: “I think it’s a Rorschach test … It’s a show designed to let you find what you want from it, and have different points of view, which is exactly where we are right now.”
Speaking of points of view, John Cusack, in his first role in a series, plays Kevin Christie … but rather than my Agatha, it is inspired by well-known characters of a completely different genre.
Those who follow him have the opportunity to know how much John has a certain aversion to some of Mr. Christie’s alter egos, which is why it was a cathartic interpretation.
In his interview published by The Guardian in addition to defining himself a kind of Cassandra, he gave me an amazing ending!
Cusack rubs his tired eyes. He drinks from his big tin tankard of coffee. (!) Who knows, he says? “Maybe being outspoken hurts your career… I’m just aware it helps me sleep better at night, knowing that I wasn’t passive during this time.”
After all, isn’t such an awareness already a kind of Utopia for many of us?
How do you see Utopia?
An exceptional admirer saw Utopia like this:
Stephen King writes:
I’m loving UTOPIA, on Amazon Prime. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea, given the times we’re living in, but it has the slow build to full steam that I associate with page-turning novels. Horrifying, violent, and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny.
And what song goes with the trailer?
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
But this world, how should it be earned every day in your opinion?
I would rather ask: what have you done today to improve this world?
Even if to tell the truth I would be without answers …
“what have you done today to improve this world?”
Hm, hmm, hmmmmmm …
Let me think hard!
Well, I have written a blog post about the Soviet perfume “Fouetté” by Novaya Zarya. And also about the ballet figure of “fouetté” which is rather artistic and difficult to dance. Furthermore, I have placed beautiful videos of Bolshoi and Mariinsky ballerinas dancing the “fouetté” on my blog.
This might not save the world, I admit, but it is a nice piece of work anyhow, and people “like” it.
Of course!
Beauty, Art in all its various forms, enrich us all and surely improve the world.
There is a saying that “beauty will save the world”. I am not so sure that this is true but I want to believe in it.
We are not all big heroes, doing brave, heroic deeds, so the world will be saved.
Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa …. I am none of those.
Neither am I, Olivia.
You mentioned some great characters and it’s not for everyone to live up to them.
Do you know that many years ago, when I was a little girl, I had the opportunity to participate in a meeting with Mother Teresa and listen to her speech?
Where was this? Did she come to Italy?
Yes, I was a little girl, and I went to listen to her together with my Scout group.Unforgettable.
And I want to believe it with you too, Olivia.
Thank you!