Italy appreciates the great collective effort made by Member States, EFSA, ECHA and the Commission to finalize a new evaluation of glyphosate, which took place a few years after the previous one and involved the examination of a very considerable amount of data.

However, regarding some issues for further investigation as highlighted by the EFSA opinion and which emerged in the discussions to adopt the renewal regulation, Italy deems it appropriate to underline that it is desirable:

to launch, at community level, of further integrative studies for collection of data to fill data gaps in order to protect biodiversity and the various environmental matrices;

to complete, without undue delay, of the evaluation of the dossiers relating to the approval or renewal of the approval of active substances that are potential alternatives to glyphosate;

that the use of the active substance is not authorized in the pre-harvest phase.

This is our ‘contribution’ … i.e. Italy’s signature on the extension for a period of ONLY TEN YEARS! To the use of glyphosate

Sure, why do not go on for a decade?

After all, Sleeping Beauty has been asleep for a hundred years, what can be ten in comparison?

In the meantime it is desirable, DESIRABLE! that Roundup is not used pre-harvest, of course, better not to have it freshly harvested in the dish, but nicely grown and integrated into the food.

Forgive my sarcasm, but I can’t stand these two sides: in recent years, governments have been ‘very concerned’ about our health, but apparently only about certain sides.

I wonder why, in this case, MORE studies are needed for at least ANOTHER ten years.

Yeah, another ten years, because, as I told you before, this story goes way back

All this while a Californian jury found Bayer, the company that acquired Monsanto liable in a lawsuit brought by a man who claimed his cancer was due to exposure to the company’s Roundup herbicide, and ordered it to pay $332 million in damages.

The verdict includes $7 million in compensatory damages and $325 million in punitive damages awarded to plaintiff Mike Dennis, who was diagnosed at the age of 51 with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, according to a company spokesman

But it is desirable that the use of the active substance will not be authorised in the pre-harvest phase for another ten years.



Aktion geht unter die haut means action gets under the skin.

Literally, in this case.

What case? What action?

The case refers to Austrian Federal Minister Gewessler’s public relations campaign.

The action consists of a tattoo in exchange for an annual ticket valid for public transportation: a Klimaticket

Klimaticket tattoo, then.

This campaign took place at the Electric-Love Festival in 2023. The executing company is One Mobility GmbH, founded specifically for the Klimaticket and 64.417 percent owned by the Republic of Austria

Leonore Gewessler was at the Frequency Festival to promote the Klimaticket tattoo in person with the motto: aktion geht unter die haut “this campaign gets under your skin.”

Volunteers were able to choose one from a range of drawings and get tattooed directly on the spot.

All themes had to do with the “for the climate” ticket or the environment.

Samples included, for example, the word “Go Green” surrounded by a heart but also the words Klimaticket.

The first three people tattooed on the spot each received a free ticket valid for one year.

The promotion of public transportation is not in question, but the manner?

I find it offensive to young people in the first place, since place and conditions point to them as the main target audience.

We are really showing the young people the worst: our inadequacy, our incompetence, our lack of criterion, of values, of common sense.

Not even Orwell came up with such an idea.

By now we are not even consumers anymore, but merchandise, with an expiration date moreover.

Even our skin becomes an advertising space, to be sold off, by the way.

Am I exaggerating?



A curtain of purple Wisteria …

Do you recognize which quote this line belongs to?

The wisteria I am telling you about, however, is not located on an avenue, and for that very reason it struck me very much.

The wisteria I want to tell you about sat along a country lane, expanding in its natural, wild architecture, without being an embellishment to anyone.

I like the idea that it has done well here in Lomellina, a place with characteristics quite different from its homeland.

In China wisteria is called Zǐténg 紫藤 i.e. blue vine, even the German name: Blauregen is inspired by the color.

Wisteria, on the other hand, comes from the Greek glýkis γλύκης meaning sweetness.

Name inspired by scent therefore, rather than color. Curious, isn’t it?

What strikes you most about wisteria?

Personally, I would say the color. In particular I have the memory of the arbor at the mill where my grandparents lived.

And in general what strikes you about flowers: the scent?

What is your favorite flower

What do you associate the thought of flowers with?

I found myself thinking that, just like this wisteria, I would love for other kinds of beauty to take over space, we would need it so much, wouldn’t we?

Maybe mine is tiredness, but sometimes I feel crushed by all the ugliness that surrounds us in our daily lives, after all, little would be enough to improve each other’s lives, and instead the common trend is heading exactly the opposite.

It is said that Wisteria for Japanese culture represents love and longevity, I ask for confirmation from those who are very knowledgeable on the subject, but in the meantime I would like to take it as a wish, adding my personal interpretation of this wisteria: freedom.

Shard by shard we are released from the tyranny of so-called time. A curtain of purple wisteria partially conceals the entrance to a familiar garden… In a wink, a lifetime, we pass through the infinite movements of a silent overture.



Greenwashing i.e., communication or marketing strategy pursued by companies, institutions, entities that present their activities as environmentally sustainable, trying to conceal their negative environmental impact.

I would say this is happening more and more, what do you think?

Let’s go back to Trieste where the 20th edition of International Talent Support was held, it was launched in 2002 and has become a platform for showcasing and supporting young talent.

The historic location at the Salone degli Incanti in the heart of Trieste was the scene of the presentation of “The First Exhibition: 20 years of contemporary fashion evolution,” an exhibition that enjoys the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and will be open to the public in spring 2023.

In jury Orsola De Castro referred as the pioneer of upcycling

Her schedule these days shows a constantly updated Utopia continuation of the flagship themes of Fashion Revolution of which she is a co-founder.

Instead of making people feel guilty, we help them recognize that they have the power to do something to bring about positive change.

I find this a great place to start in general.

Greenwashing is not just about the fashion industry.

We could mention glaring examples in music as well, or in marketing: misleading advertisements and greenwashing.

Not to mention the nonsense in terms: we are at the point where we are given advice bordering on the ridiculous to reduce the use of electricity under the illusory assumption that we can reduce bills that have become unaffordable, but at the same time incentives for electric cars are published in the Official Gazette.

And how should we charge them, then?



If I say Nest in the Park, what do you think?

Specifically: Ticino Park, which I have already told you about. 

Could it be a nest in the park for Ibis

Or a nest in the park for them?

What about a den?

Maybe for the hare or for some other being that wanders around … 

No: Nest in the Park is an Eco-camp, to be precise it is the first Italian Tentsile Experience Camp.

What does this mean?

It means camping tents suspended in the trees for a total immersion experience in Nature.

What do you think about?

Can you imagine waking up and having a coffee in the heart, in an actual sense, of the Ticino Park?

Or, more generally, what is your ideal vacation?


Adventure or comfort

City  or countryside

I grew up experiencing camping vacations, not as extreme as the Park Nest, but equally significant enough to occupy a special place among the memories of the heart.


Of course, it’s all different now, we no longer talk about camping but glamping, and it seems light years from the time when postcards were sent …

And by the way, I’ve come a long way too, literally.

With my husband, holiday transformed: from the static “camping” to mile-long walks to visit as many places as possible.

Besides Paris I would mention Umbria.

But what about you? What holiday can you tell me about?




One more cup of coffee is the Bob Dylan song that Lorenzo recommended me.

One more cup of coffee in this case for me represents the symbol of a new pleasant meeting, albeit online.

Before talking about it, a premise is necessary: when I wrote about Keep Calm & Go Volunteering in the comments Olivia asked:
Not wasting food is a very good idea. I never heard about this project before. How can young people be stipulated to waste less, to lead a more natural lifestyle? Could you tell us a bit more about it?

And Laura wrote:
Beautiful idea. I have the feeling that young people are victims of consumerism and therefore not inclined to recycle and recover. We hope that initiatives of this kind can break through.

So I turned the question straight to them, who were kind and nice enough to invite me for a chat.

In this way I was able to meet Ariela, who is the coordinator in charge, Edisona, Sophie, Veronic, Mehdi and Lorenzo.

“The” Lorenzo who recommended me Bob Dylan’s song as well as other interesting and precious tips on cinema, books and theater, mentioning Questi fantasmi

as Laura also told us .

And these young people, volunteers from the Europe Area of the Belluno CSV, also taught me a lot.

How to promote anti-waste culture in young people?

Going to schools, as they do, talking to children and teen-agers to spread not “lessons” but workshops, and returning several times to follow and see that the concept sown grows.

Stimulating to invent special recipes that have as a common denominator the idea of cooking without wasting based on the concept of giving, but also receiving advice.

Planning to create a blog where to publish these recipes to increase the interchange as much as possible.

Organizing events and celebrations on the occasion of international days.

By proposing linguistic tandems, or great opportunities thanks to their multiculturalism: informal conversations in English, French and Spanish, free and open to people of all ages led by Edisona , Sophie , Mehdi and Hamudi . with the aim of meeting the community, socializing and practicing languages.

And still broadcast their work through a web radio.

I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited and one thing is certain: there will be one more cup of coffee.


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