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Like the birds of Cinderella’s dress … is the comparison Sabrina Impacciatore used during an interview at the Emmy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles.
I really like this way of her being ironically crazy.
This attitude of laughter brings good humour, don’t you think?
The perfect friend for messing around …
Speaking of friendship … have you ever seen “Amiche da morire – Friends to Die For?”
I would say that Sicily is a congenial place for Sabrina: the season of The White Lotus for which Sabrina received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series is filmed in Taormina.
In the interview Sabrina tells that her dress was fitted the night before by tailors like the birds of Cinderella’s dress, and also declares that her victory is to be there, but we can say that another great shot is her participation in the upcoming film In the head of Dante with Al Pacino and John Malkovich.
Who knows, maybe the Fairy godmother has a hand in it… 🙂
And you? Have you ever lived a fairy tale?
I could tell I live perpetually in the mess, but isn’t it the real fairy tale?
Gianni Rodari wrote:
Where are the fairy tales?
There is one in everything:
in the wood of the coffee table,
in the glass, in the rose.
Where can you see the fairy tales?
Oo, I always love seeing artistic forms merge or blend into reality, and fairytales are an art form ripe for such integration. I feel the morality of the tales can be found in our everyday decisions, as well as the way we go about our daily life and that is what makes them so enduring, so lasting, so worth remembering and so rich as metaphors. Love it!
You’re right Layla, the way we deal with everyday life can be fairytale-like, if we make it so.
Thank you because your comments are always an important enrichment.