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Without falling into your fears … continues the text of Mogol / Battisti song, assuming that you have fears.
I suppose I can say that this 2020 is putting even the most diehard travelers in trouble, or am I wrong?
Regardless, I have been falling into the “mental travel” category since ever, what about you instead? What do you say?
Are you leaving? Did you have to change your plans?
In case you still have room to organize a departure, you could start have a look here Cafeloud: obviously starting from the coffee 🙂 practical and detailed advices for the most varied destinations, for shorter or longer stays, for accommodation and travel, in short, you click and eveything will be explained to you.
If instead you have to stay in the field of virtual travel, the offer is now so wide that you can travel around the world in 80 clicks, but my absolute favorites are the Luciana Manco ones.
On the contrary, I am much less determined if I have to choose a destination from those of my memories.
I have not visited many places, but I am tied to each of them because they represent in different ways happy and therefore very precious moments, so much so as to make me neglect even some totally bad coffee.
Do you have a journey of the heart that you remember in particular?
What is the type of destination you prefer?
We have rediscovered serial “walkers” not in the technical sense of the term, but more in the sense intended by Italo Calvino:
“Walking presupposes that at every step the world changes in some aspect and that something changes in us.“
Then it goes without saying: there are time travels, those that are done through the pages of books, but that’s another story.
“Do you have a journey of the heart that you remember in particular?”
Yes, I do, Claudia. Actually, not only one, but three journeys. Those were the three journeys I undertook with my dear mother: to Mexico, Thailand and Tunesia.
In Italy there is an advertisement from a few years ago designed to market an ice cream of three flavors that says “three is better than one” joking about the lack of knowledge of the English language common to us Italians, so not knowing the correct translation of “meglio”, that is better, creates an invented word by removing the final vowel, as sometimes actually happens.
The exact thing about all of this is that “three is better than one!” No doubt.
Did you tell me about the elephant detail about Thailand, the Mayan civilization temples about Mexico, and about Tunisia? What impressed you the most?
The bazaar in Tunis and the lovely beaches of Tunesia. We were staying at a small, cozy hotel in a little town outside of Tunis. It was a very qiet, peaceful holiday. Not much sightseeing at all, just relax.
Relaxation also has its value!
I’ve only seen bazaars on a few travel TV shows and I think they’re a multisensory experience, right?
Arab bazaars are great, I love them: full of spices, carpets, clothes,lamps, shoes, cutlery, whatever you need – you will find it there;
Even cutlery?! Those, for example, I would not have imagined …
They have so many things, everything you need for the household. I forgot to name lamps, tableware, linen, towels, music cassettes, videos, cosmetics – lots of things! These bazaars are huge, and mostly covered.
I guess what beautiful colors for linen tabelware and towels!
While if I think to lamp I immediately associate the idea to the Genius lamp 🙂
These textiles and lamps are decorated in the Arab and Oriental style, Claudia. Strong colours, strong designs. Some might find it “kitsch”‘ but I love it.
I like them too!
I don’t find them kitsch but ethnic and dosed in the right way they can give inimitable touches of color.
True! It needs to be “dosed” so we like it. However, in North Africa and the near East I have seen a lot of “overdose”. Then it is a bit harsh for the eyes.
I agree with you.
Exaggerations never go well, I think I can say a little in general.
Those Arabs and Oriental people probably do not think of their habits as “overdose”. They simply like this florishing style and are used to it.
For example Irina Viner-Usmanova in Russia, she also dresses up in a very flowery, Oriental style. She was born and raised in Uzbekistan, where women dress that way. I have read commentaries on Russia’s gazette “Spletnik” that people in the comment section make fun of her because of dressing up this way. But she is simply used to it. It is her upbringing.
Moreover, I think that many female commentators are simply jealous and envious, because Irina is married to one of the richest milliardaires in Russia, Alisher Usmanov. He is also a native of Uzbekistan. Some of his lavish homes in the west were stolen from him lately, and one of his yachts in Hamburg:Germany as well.
When Irina goes out, she wears plenty of jewelry, huge diamonds, huge emeralds, and other precious stones, all of them together, in huge quantities. Now this could be called “kitsch”, but it is her Oriental style. So what?
Sure, style is a different thing, and if it’s innate, it feels completely natural.
Thinking about your example immediately makes me think of Frida Kahlo. She too is a character with a completely unique look and with very strong connotations linked to her origins, yet I find that she could not have been different and the thought of exaggeration did not even touch me.
Style is a personal decision. It is the expression of one’s own personality. Taste and religion are not a matter for discussion, as a Russian proverb says.
Oh great! Another precious Russian proverb! THANKS Olivia!
You are welcome, Claudia. It seems that I am expressing myself more and more with proverbs, lately.
True. Curious coincidence.
Very nice!
I’m happy if I inspire a little bit of these proverbs “talking” with you.
You definitely inspire me, Claudia, not only to use proverbs but to think more deeply about certain topîcs.
With these words of yours you give me an immense gift Olivia.
I really thank you from my heart.
You are most welcome, Claudia.