Again I am extremely grateful to my Jaya author of the blog Nin Chronicles but above all author of wonderful poems that have the power to create magical atmospheres, emotions and sensations.

The Rules of this Award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.

  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

  3. Nominate 11 people and ask them new 11 questions.

  4. Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their posts.

  5. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award in your post.

I take this opportunity to talk a little more about myself.

Jaya’s Questions:

  • What is your favorite song and why?

Come as you are. Nirvana.
I love everything about it. It was love at the first listen: the sound, the basic but primary meaning, the music, the way of singing.

  • Do you love to cook? I mean, do you LOVE to cook?

No, I don’t really love cooking, even if when I cook I try to do my best.

  • What motivates you?

My first and top important motivator is my husband Massimo.

  • How do you make peace with writer’s block?

Through rock music and local landscapes.

  • What is your favorite snack and why?

Bounty because I like both chocolate and coconut.

  • What do you think about the state of the world?

Extreme sadness.

  • Where do you want to take your writing/blogging?

Towards people. I like knowing people and learning about and from them.

  • Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Wile E Coyote.

  • How do you practice self-care?

Ehm … backup question?

  • Sweet or unsweet coffee/tea?


  • Do you ever dance with wild abandon? I mean WILD abandon!

 Off course: I am a total mad laughing

My questions:

  1. Do you like coffee? laughing

  2. What do like reading the most?

  3. Is there a particular kind of music that let you feel good?

  4. Are you used to sing at least while you are in the car?

  5. Do you like detective stories?

  6. Is there any musical you fall in love for?

  7. What is your favorite movie?

  8. The most beautiful place in the world for you is?

  9. If you could choose a gift for yourself, what would it be?

  10. Do you prefer getting up early or late in the morning?

  11. Would you give me one or more advices? Thanks!


I follow Jaya’s step and I leave this as an open nomination too.

If you would like to talk a bit more about you, you will be welcome!
Not only sun shines … come on SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE!



I am delighted to have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award and extend my thanks to Jaya from Nin Chronicles for this amazing nomination!
Jaya is a wonderful poet so don’t miss the chance to explore the magic that her deep words inspire.
I love her poems!
Dear Jaya I am really grateful and happy for the luck I had the day I “met” you.

it is given to bloggers by bloggers, who in turn pass it on.
The Award promotes community and shows us just how far one little thing can go as each nominee shares the love further.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include the link to their site.

  2. Post the award banner somewhere on your blog.

  3. Share the reason why you started your blog.

  4. Share two pieces of advice that could benefit new bloggers.

  5. Nominate a maximum of fifteen bloggers.

  6. Tell your nomimees about your award post so they can partecipate!

well, simply because who loves me encouraged me to fight my fear and not to be ashamed of sharing what I always loved: writing.
Also considering that I like socializing since ages ago when the only way was through paper letters by mail …

to tell the truth I don’t think to be able to give advices, but maybe, if you allow me, I can tell that on my opinion the most important thing is be yourself.
No matter if you aren’t perfect.
No matter if you have faults: flaws are the features that make you different from others.
Because no one else is like you.

And then … enjoy! Have fun!
Live life in full, don’t loose anything and share laughing


Laura from ShyneLC Art 

Linda from Pages and Papers 

Ashley from Survive The Kidz 



Il New York Times sposta la redazione di Hong Kong.

La notizia data sul sito ufficiale del New York Times, è stata riportata da tutta la stampa, e in particolare anche da Tom Grundy: blogger e fondatore di Hong Wrong chiuso nel 2015 per il nuovo incarico di caporedattore di HONG KONG FREE PRESS (HKFP) 

Il motivo del trasferimento di parte della redazione del NYT da Hong Kong a Seoul risiede nella nuova legge sulla sicurezza nazionale cinese ad Hong Kong varata proprio il primo luglio: ventitreesimo anniversario del cambio di bandiera ad Hong Kong.

Carrie Lam, capo esecutivo di Hong Kong ha dichiarato che la nuova legge non è doom and gloom cioè non è così nera, ma piuttosto mild, blanda, rispetto alle leggi in Cina.

Sarà, intanto questa legge si basa sul medesimo principio di vaghezza della legge cinese ed è stata annunciata come una vera e propria Spada di Damocle sulla testa di coloro che minacciano la sicurezza nazionale.

Per questo motivo, il gruppo di giovani attivisti pro democrazia originariamente parte di Scholarism nell’ambito della Rivoluzione Umbrella, confluito in Demosisto, nome scelto fondendo

la parola greca Demos = popolo

e la parola latina Sisto intesa come standing un po’ per dire coloro che resistono

ha deciso di sciogliersi “date le circostanze.”

L’annuncio è stato pubblicato con un tweet a nome dei volti più noti e rappresentativi: Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, Jeffrey Ngo e Agnes Chow.

Circa un anno fa per loro era già scattato un arresto con scare tactits: tattiche per spaventare.

Amnesty International ha definito il loro arresto un “oltraggioso assalto alla libertà di espressione”.

Ho già citato Evelyn Beatrice Hall, per contro Benjamin Franklin ci insegna che “Chiunque voglia togliere la libertà di una nazione deve iniziare a proibire la libertà di parola.”

Non sottovalutiamo MAI l’importanza della libera espressione, e non dimentichiamoci di questi ragazzi.


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