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See you one of these days … how often does this phrase occur in life?
Sometimes it happens punctually, other times less …

Also for this book I have to thank Monica and since the theme is Friendship, of those for which even the term sisterhood becomes an understatement, I dedicate a special THANK YOU with a built-in hug.

The initial sensation foreshadowed me a much lighter story, instead at an incessant pace we meet and collide obstacles of those who cut the legs and no one is exempt.

In fact, the sentence I wrote down comes at the end of a dialogue: “… from experience, messes by their nature like to add up.”

In its lapidary simplicity, as far as I’m concerned, it fits perfectly.

But I’d like you to tell me it’s not like that for you because I’d be really happy about it.

Just as I was happy for the positive vision that the book offers after a brutally tragic experience, as life itself knows to be.

In my case it wasn’t like that, but it’s nice and right to be able to think differently.

Personally, I also always appreciate the share of sweetened scenarios since ugliness and misfortunes still abound in everyday life.

Federica Bosco has kept a blog on her website, until 2017.

Reading it emphasized her irony, which I certainly appreciated, in particular I liked her post “Hypersensitivity is my superpower.”

And I don’t know how I ended up imagining myself like Red Guardianlaughing that is alternative, out of time, out of sync and also out of shape.

But to give me a tone I step into the action and steal the title: See you one of these days … for a coffee?


E scondo te? And in your opinion?x

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