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Luckily it was reported to me in time and for this I thank you: otherwise I would have missed the vision of John Malkovich in the role of Hercule Poirot.
Have you seen it?
It aired on Paramount: a BBC Series from the original title ABC murders based on the homonymous book by Queen Agatha Christie.
The first major change is the removal of Captain Hastings in favor of the introduction of Inspector Crome played by none other than Rupert Grint.
But perhaps it is the references to Poirot’s past that result in a “truly unsettling” ending (I quote verbatim) that clash more than the character we have come to know through the books.
In reality the atmosphere itself is completely dark and in itself I like it.
The problem is that I didn’t feel like I was “seeing” an Agatha Christie mystery.
But I know very well that I am not sufficiently clear-headed and objective on the subject, so I ask you: what do you think?
To me, John Malkovich’s Poirot seemed folded in on itself, there is no famous pride of his Belgian being, there are no characteristic pince-nez nor the bearing that I have always imagined.
It is true that the expressions that John Malkovich manages to give are very suitable for this more intimate and humanly introspective dimension.
One thing is certain: the poll on the favorite Poirot should be re-launched, or not?