Keep calm and… roller skating!
Yes: this time the keep calm is on wheels!
And it’s not the rusty ones I’m missing, luckily for you.
But not even the wheels of the experiments that Eleonora and I recently, by a curious coincidence, we told each other in these comments.
Keep Calm wheels are spectacular and belong to the Victoria Alba Asd skating quartet.
Victoria Alba is an association of about 100 members, ranging from 5-year-olds to adults who are passionate about skating. They train in Alba in the province of Cuneo and participate in events and competitions at the provincial, regional and national level.
I got to know Victoria Alba after participating in the Fisr regional championship in Novara where the Keep Calm girls got fifth place in the National Division Quartets category with an exhibition inspired by the film “The greatest showman” … just to stay on the musical theme.
Their names are Benedetta, Michela, Sara and Sophie and they are between 14 and 16 years old.
Obviously I could not contact them to ask how the choice of the name Keep Calm was born.
Here is their answer:
The choice of this name did not happen by chance, on the contrary, as we know the translation of this short construct is “stay calm.” We as a team have decided to make it personal, reminding us that we have all the skills to face our seasonal competitions head-on, without being overwhelmed by uncertainty or inner turmoil. Because after all we ourselves have decided to undertake this path which in a certain sense has helped us to mature and grow as people who are in control of themselves.
I would say that they have very clear ideas and that they deserve my sincere applause.
Come on girls! My cheering is all for you!
In case you want to follow the Keep Calm quartet, as well as the other athletes, you can find them both on the Facebook page and on the Instagram profile.
Have you ever tried to skate?
I am sure you will tell me fantastic performances.
The roller skates with which I completely “grated” my forearm in second grade were more or less like the ones in this photo.
Don’t laugh too much though!