Inceptive conclusions is a free book downloadable here on the blog Il Perdilibri which I had already thanked for the Bisarca contest.
This book was born as a challenge conceived and conducted by Gianni, author of the blog and by Ysingrinus of Discussioni Concentriche: a thousand comments to a WordPress post born by chance but continued with clear and precise intent.
A sort of experiment, with the aim of getting to the bottom, which gave birth to a roller coaster of connected or disconnected phrases, impromptu or weighted, which could be food for thought as much as assists for comic jokes.
Each comment is reported with date and time and this choice is also a winner, since I, faced with some particular days, found myself rethinking what I was doing at that moment, while they were playing this squash with words.
But the absolutely fantastic thing is that every comment could be the beginning of a story.
So I could not help but think of Meryl and of Out of Africa that I love
even if in reality the effect more than Karen Blixen is deliberately bizarre, so I considered more another interaction of ideas …
improvisation is such that it seems unlikely, but it works!
And in absolute serendipity the authors conquer their glove: a precise metaphor of the challenge, which in my opinion they have won.
In the final conclusions, reference is made to a prize for a certain type of readers and therefore as far as I am concerned I consider myself rewarded, and I thank them.
But next time, you two creative ideas, keep me in mind: I could be the Orietta Berti of the trio.
Any reference to current summer hits is not accidental at all.
Seriously: congratulations.