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Do you recognize the mug in the picture?
I had high expectations for this movie.
Because movies of this genre no longer come out.
Because we go into the field of sacred monsters of writing, and in general of iconic characters I have always admired.
Because I love when a movie stimulates reasoning, I like when I find myself watching with the utmost attention and I know that maybe a detail could make a difference.
You will therefore imagine my supersonic wow right at the beginning when the shot focuses on this mug.
#mycoffee !!
Obviously, I took it as a sign.
If you have already seen the movie, we can start talking about the moment when the mug appears again, just like a silent leading actor.
If you haven’t watched the movie yet, I’ll keep your coffee warm because I’m sure that when you will watch it we will have a nice chat.
In the meantime, we can talk about your favorite movie. A simple question, which is sometimes difficult since finding one movie above all is a difficult task. Although there is an inflation of remakes and sequels that very often produce the only result of making us regret the original, there are still different reasons why a movie earn respect. How do you choose? By genre, by director or actors, by chance?
As opposed to coffee, I shy away from bitter films, and when I watch them, then I take them with me, mulling over later, if they are well done.
Favorite genre? For me musical. What kind of coffee could a musical be? Maybe a mocaccino?
The movie in the picture is a coffee of those that leave a good toasting aftertaste, but maybe I should give you some more clue …