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I don’t mean to be witty with this title, since there is NOTHING to smile about at all.
By definition, tragedy is a work and dramatic representation that is characterized not only by its tone and high style, but also by a development and above all a conclusion marked by mournful and violent events, by serious misfortunes and sufferings.
We learned through the news that ran between newspapers and news in 2015 what happened in Greece, or better, in Europe, for the renegotiation of the huge Greek debt, but the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis wrote a book on his struggle against the European establishment.
This book inspired the Greek director Costa Gavras.
The film carries the same title as the book: Adults in the room and is inspired by a statement by Christine Lagarde during those negotiations: “adults would be needed in this room.”
It is precisely what happens inside the rooms that we do not know, and I would say that this phrase is emblematic.
Just as emblematic is the way in which Germany attempted to prevent the realization of Costa Gavras’ work, and one immediately wonders WHY.
The film, presented at the Venice film exhibition in 2019 despite having earned the prize the Jaeger-LeCoultre to the director, was boycotted in Germany where Deutschland Tabu still remains, as reported directly from a German source.
It is not welcome how the effects of the austerity imposed by the German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble appear evident.
In fact, the diktats did not take into consideration the social impact on the Greek population.
In practice, the rescue of Greece was managed only in terms of belonging to the Eurozone, without any consideration for the Greek people that Alexis Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis tried to represent in vain.
It is sadly known: priority given to banks rather than people.
“It was the first time that I played a real person who existed in flesh and blood. Curious that my research was to get to know her.”
This is the statement that Valeria Golino, before even expressing her satisfaction at having had the opportunity to act in Greek given the origins of her mother, released to describe her role as Danae Stratou.
Excellent choice Valeria!
After all, she has accustomed us to these style shots since Rain Man.
Shouldn’t we all get to know people to understand their lives?