For the second day of the Advent calendar, the author Tony’s blog wrote a short story.

I prefer to tell a fairy tale, if Antonio allows me, because for me it was a reading of those that transport you in space and time.

It is no coincidence that Austin Dove which is Antonio’s nickname, was inspired by the Grimm brothers after reading them recently.

In this last period I got to know La Colomba, another nickname of Antonio, through his reviews, his special rankings, his stories, and also through his experiences gained thanks to the various courses he follows.

Antonio is truly a beautiful Soul, one of those pure, sincere, transparent, true ones.

He has a lot of patience with my comments as an old woman laughing I slowly try to learn, and I discovered a little thing in common: Scouting.

His experience is certainly more in-depth and lasting than mine, but reading it made me think back to the years as a ladybug, that remain beautiful memories in the heart.

The story he wrote for X-mas Carols is called Il buon Doriano:

For a long time, in a faraway land, on a sunny day little Doriano was born in a shepherd’s hutgo on here



Giada is the author of the Multidimensional Art blog to kick off the Advent calendar created by Il mondo di Shioren

Giada or Ylenia, won me over immediately: she is self-taught and a shy soul with a special sensitivity.

Soul she describes here.
The magic came to me loud and clear as soon as I saw her digital painting The Gold Queen.

Among the projects of Multidimensional Art: The illusion of Alice, based on Alice in Wonderland, and The reality beyond the mirror, manga that will be published shortly.

Latest creative collaboration in chronological order: the book La casa di cera by Paola Pioletti.

To open the Advent calendar on this December 8th which also brought snow here, Multidimensional Art dedicates this drawing, don’t miss it!



The X-mas Carols is a fantastic initiative that I am happy to be a part of.

This time the famous red thread links me first of all to Shio which is the creator and organizer, and then to many others blog one more interesting than the other.

As you will have seen, the Christmas countdown that I have entered on the side today marks 23 days, but starting from 8 December you will find a real Advent Calendar.

I report the exact description with which Shio illustrates her idea on the blog The World of Shio Ren:
As you can obviously imagine, I was inspired by the famous “Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens for the name and, in this special case, the “carols” are represented by the work of all those who have trusted me and joined me me in this project.
The Xmas carols, is a sort of virtual advent calendar where, every day, a blogger will host another’s carol on his blog: many small carols created through writing, drawing and poetry which, united, will give life to a symbolic Christmas choir sung by all the participants for all of you who follow us year after year with great affection.

Anyone who has known me for the longest time knows how fond I am of the Advent Calendars, indeed, I would take the opportunity to make my annual appeal pass here too: feel free to share the photos of your calendars and indulge yourself.

This one by Shio is really special because it represents the union of everyone’s Art.

In my case, art is too big a word, but the enthusiasm is authentic and sincere.

As for “A Christmas Carol,” how many times have you read or seen it? What’s your favorite version?

“It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour” wrote Charles Dickens in A Christmas Carol.

Let’s get infected as Dickens teaches us then


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