aTUTTOCUORE with all my heart I would like to thank my brother and sister-in-law because after Twelve Notes again this year my birthday present was a wonderful experience.

A musical experience but also a visual and sensorial one, because at every concert Claudio Baglioni manages to amaze with different versions while remaining true to himself.

After the debut in Pesaro, the indoor version of aTUTTOCUORE started at the Mediolanum Forum in MILAN on 20, 21 and 22 January and will continue on 5 and 6 February.

A show that you shouldn’t miss.

aTUTTOCUORE opens with E tu come stai? And it is just as if Claudio wanted to pick up the thread of the conversation with his fans: like a long public dialogue but at the same time intimate because of the way he gives himself.

This is followed by Dagli il via… and of course ‘the start’ is only the beginning of a long sequence of surprises.

Then Acqua dalla luna … hurry audience … you will see …

you will see the wonder created by the perfect combination of costumes by and choreography by Veronica Peparini directed by Giuliano Peparini.

I will continue with the set list:
Con tutto l’amore che posso and Quante volte featured by Claudio Baglioni’s funny dance moves and by the powerful peculiarity of this show: the images on the maxi-screens blending with the play of light and the evolutions of all the artists up and down the stairs of the stage set create an enthralling three-dimensionality

Then Un po di piu’
Gli anni più belli
Domani mai
Quanto ti voglio
Fammi andar via
Niente più
E adesso la pubblicità
A tutto cuore.

Claudio puts his heart into everything, in the sense of energy, in the sense of wanting to make music at its best, using his heart which, as he said in an interview, can also be considered a percussion instrument, as well as the calendar that marks our time.

And more: Mal d’amore
W l’Inghilterra
Sono io
Cuore D’Aliante
Uomo di varie età
Le ragazze dell’est
Uomini persi
Noi no
Amori in corso
Un nuovo giorno un giorno nuovo
Con voi

and with us Claudio sang illuminating the audience with multidirectional and totally inclusive beams of light.

Unmissable Questo piccolo grande amore
Dodici note
Io sono qui
Amore bello
Sabato pomeriggio
Porta portese
in a current version enriched with a riot of cheerful playfulness.

Io me ne andrei
That masterpiece of Mille giorni di me e di te
My favourite for ‘the hair-raising coffee Via

E tu
Strada facendo
La vita è adesso
and concluding with the music of Poster.

At that point, instead of going far away, you just want to stay so as not to interrupt the magic, but on the screen the faces of the countless musicians, choristers, dancers, artists and performers scroll by.

One above all is the dancer Antonio Ciarciello, chosen after an epic casting, given the number of candidates, who all the time dances as a sort of alter ego.

What do you say? The set list is quite long, yet there are always a few songs missing from the poems in music that Claudio has written.

As many as there are songs, as many are the jackets that Claudio Baglioni has worn: a different one for each song, without ever a moment’s interruption, in a constant succession.

Also incessant is the kaleidoscope of images, futuristic and current, as well as evocative and suggestive by light designer Ivan Pierri

Paolo Gianolio, who has collaborated uninterruptedly with Claudio Baglioni since the 1985 album La vita è adesso.

Many years have passed since then, and yet … La vita è adesso: life is now … is it?

Which is your favourite?



He says it is basically twelve notes: twelve notes that encapsulate everything.

That may be true, but without detracting from the music, it is the words that make the real difference.

So many words, a lifetime long.

Words that tell stories, words that describe emotions, words that stop moments, his, mine, ours.

Who doesn’t know the famous “outdoor café tables”!

Not to mention the guy who “carefully reads the instructions on the coffee machine” …

And again:

A hair-raising coffee
a packet of smoke
and the wind re-reading my paper
and tomorrow going out again, putting on a cheerful face
for the next carnival
a razor-cold pain
for another day that dawns
I die

Really coffee can make your hair stand on end.

A phosphorescent madonnina
and fake flowers above the dresser
looking for pantyhose distracted and indolent
and one more day in the mirror
the refrigerator snored from the kitchen
and you hummed making coffee
the long sadness of the morning

Do you hum when you make coffee?

A bustle of voices and faces the color of the streets outside
that loses some haste among the coffees and liquors
if your heart had windows I could jump in them
and have you find it all in pieces when you returned

I absolutely love the concept of “losing haste” with coffee!

And never again the chimneys
the sirens the city
the wet gates and warehouses
of mist and humidity …
and never again sit in the cafeteria
among melancholy and mashed potato
the chain the tape the days that go away
with the coffee cart ...

I could almost say it’s the Lomellina

Nights in the car talking
the low glass for smoking
nights of old songs still good to sing
nights as dark as an oven
sleepless nights before a great day
hard nights of illusions
long dark nights of coffee

Old songs still good to sing … it really is.

Songs I would say more lived than old, songs to sing together, during a concert.

Twelve notes were the birthday gift from my brother.

By a curious chance the number twelve recurs, he would surely make a pun of it.


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