No UNESCO heritage for espresso: the application was rejected. Passed. Not allowed. What is the most correct wording?

It is certainly more kind to say that the candidacy The Italian Espresso Coffee between culture, ritual, sociality and literature in the emblematic communities from Venice to Naples was not admitted by the committee by the Council Director of the Italian National Commission for Unesco, who preferred the Opera.

Of course we all agree that the art of opera is worth it.

But the coffee just “wasn’t there?” Pity.

However, it remains a heritage for us.

At this point our thoughts turn to the sensational rejections.

The first that comes to mind is the famous Meryl Streep audition for King Kong.

Here she tells us directly, but above all divinely I would say

Or we can quote Fazi Editore and the interview with Elido FaziGore Vidal pointed out Dan Brown to me. His book got there six months before it was released in America. We read it absent-mindedly and didn’t do anything about it.

In other words, we can say that “reading absent-mindedly” harms.

Whenever I think of underestimates I am reminded of Shirey MacLaine and the recurring sentence in The Last Word movie “The Kinks are the most underrated band ever.”

In fact, many were surprised by the choice of David Gilmour who in a 2003 BBC interview indicated Waterloo Sunset as the first of the songs he would choose a desert island.

Do you want to tell me some anecdotes too?

Or maybe you also have a personal experience, of rejection or even better of revenge?

Indeed, more than revenge, I’d like to talk about rebirth

Being born is not enough. It is to be reborn that we are born. Everyday. Pablo Neruda

What do you say?



The ghost of the past reader closes the circle this Christmas under the banner of Dickens.

A Christmas Carol is in fact one of the characters of Desy Icardi‘s Christmas e-book. 

For this reading I have to thank Luciana who pointed out the link to Fazi Editore

Desy Icardi as well as a writer is a stand-up comedian and blogger: together with Grace Dis, Sara Ronco and Federica Salassa she created Pataridens  a blog dedicated to funny stories on female issues.

I immediately fell in love with the lawyer Ferro who I discover is also the protagonist of Desy’s other novels.

The idea was precisely to take the characters created by Desy and make them move within a Christmas story.

Good idea! Don’t you agree?


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