WIKIPEDIA When the Internet is a matter of life and death

WIKIPEDIA When the Internet is a matter of life and death

WIKIPEDIA When the Internet is a matter of life and death.

The Power of Knowledge kills the Knowledge of Power.

A sentence, a play on words, the key to a dream.

Aaron Swarzt’s dream, the dream of those who believe in freedom.

Pietro Ratto in his book Wikipedia When the Internet is a matter of life and death meticulously reconstructs the birth, history and evolution of the online encyclopaedia we all know.

Wikipedia content is added by voluntary users who contribute information that is shared as creative commons.

The idea was born from a dream, and is fuelled by a strong need for freedom.

Wikipedia’s aim is to spread knowledge and make it available to everyone, free of charge and universally.

The Power of Knowledge.

Can the Power of Knowledge really kill the Knowledge of Power?

Power is influence, power is domination.

How far can a dream be magnified?

Pietro Ratto’s valuable investigation reports on all the stages and, above all, all the stories of those who have been dreamers, those who have been creators and those who have been powerful …

The bibliography, or rather the sitography is extensive and very detailed.

In addition, every single link published in the book is available for consultation from the site of Pietro Ratto BoscoCeduo

I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to hear Aaron Swartz’s story, which should be shared out of a sense of justice but also of freedom

Here is a video from 2007 in which Aaron talks about network communication.

Are you in the habit of consulting Wikipedia?

Have you ever contributed to the writing and publishing of information?



Giorni Ribelli (Rebel Days) is the latest book by Andrea Calugi, whom I thank most sincerely along with Manuale di Mari

Andrea Calugi is from Tuscany and from his short biography I like to quote this sentence: he is still searching for his future, among a book to read, a page to write, a song to listen to and a glass of good wine to drink.

It is therefore easy to empathise, and as Andrea searches for his future, he offers us a vision of the future in his book.

A timeless future, a future that we cannot calculate, a future that is far away and at the same time near: all the time I had the perception of a kind of dualism.

I was reading about a future and thinking about a past, a clear representation of how everything changes but how in reality everything remains unchanged.

The days flow by and history repeats itself.

A history from which we do not learn, or do not want to learn.

A history of wars, such as the one that characterises Rebel Days, that invite reflection, that spur the search for Freedom before it is extinguished.

I loved a passage in the book in which Andrea compares the earth to a human body bleeding from the wounds of the bombs and “it hovered dust that slowly, like tears, fell back to the ground, flooding everything and everyone with its weeping.”

I wish everyone had the sensitivity to see the earth bleeding, to feel the pain of the earth, which is pain for everyone.

And I was struck by the thought of one of the characters that “the real fear was that with him would also die all those wonderful memories that should have survived him instead.”

Constantine is considered crazy for his way of thinking, what is the real fear for you?

Do you feel rebellious?

Who or what would counteract your rebel days?



Bubble Hotel, yes, literally bubble, because that’s what it’s all about.

Summer, vacation time.

Remember I told you about Nest in the Park

We are no longer in Lomellina, but we remain in places dear to me without basically straying very far while also staying in the realm of experiential tourism.

Bubble Hotel i.e., a relatively new type of accommodation that has grown in popularity in recent years.


These are essentially structures made of transparent material that allow guests to sleep under the stars and enjoy the natural environment around them.

A solution that combines the feeling of freedom and immersion of camping, with the luxurious comforts of a hotel room.


Gianluca Torre, with his trademark enthusiasm, explains the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino in this video shows the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino.

In general, these immersive igloos are scattered a bit all over the world: mountains, desert, northern lights latitudes …

The visual spectacle offered is not limited to stars but ranges over everything Nature gives, even snow for example.


What do you think?
Would you like to have an experience “in a bubble?”

Might it seem disturbing or poetic to you?

The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.
Haruki Murakami




A curtain of purple Wisteria …

Do you recognize which quote this line belongs to?

The wisteria I am telling you about, however, is not located on an avenue, and for that very reason it struck me very much.

The wisteria I want to tell you about sat along a country lane, expanding in its natural, wild architecture, without being an embellishment to anyone.

I like the idea that it has done well here in Lomellina, a place with characteristics quite different from its homeland.

In China wisteria is called Zǐténg 紫藤 i.e. blue vine, even the German name: Blauregen is inspired by the color.

Wisteria, on the other hand, comes from the Greek glýkis γλύκης meaning sweetness.

Name inspired by scent therefore, rather than color. Curious, isn’t it?

What strikes you most about wisteria?

Personally, I would say the color. In particular I have the memory of the arbor at the mill where my grandparents lived.

And in general what strikes you about flowers: the scent?

What is your favorite flower

What do you associate the thought of flowers with?

I found myself thinking that, just like this wisteria, I would love for other kinds of beauty to take over space, we would need it so much, wouldn’t we?

Maybe mine is tiredness, but sometimes I feel crushed by all the ugliness that surrounds us in our daily lives, after all, little would be enough to improve each other’s lives, and instead the common trend is heading exactly the opposite.

It is said that Wisteria for Japanese culture represents love and longevity, I ask for confirmation from those who are very knowledgeable on the subject, but in the meantime I would like to take it as a wish, adding my personal interpretation of this wisteria: freedom.

Shard by shard we are released from the tyranny of so-called time. A curtain of purple wisteria partially conceals the entrance to a familiar garden… In a wink, a lifetime, we pass through the infinite movements of a silent overture.




Afghanistan where God only comes to weep is the title of the book written by Siba Shakib that I read thanks to Vincenzo Franca e Francesco

Also with Siba Shakib I share month and year of birth

And in this video among other things she talks about sitting together and drinking coffee.


But this time the reading instead of a relaxing moment was particularly painful.

This book was still a journey, from which, however, I returned with a wound.

Afghanistan, where God only comes to weep.
I think the words chosen by the author as an introduction to her book are absolutely emblematic.

When I told about Denise Ho, Gabriella reminded how important it is to keep the focus on other realities as well, and surely the condition of women in Afghanistan is one of them.

On July 1, the Human Rights Council concluded its 50th regular session after adopting 23 resolutions and held an urgent debate on the human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. In a resolution, the Council reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights by all women, girls and children in Afghanistan, including the right to freedom of movement, the right to education, the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including their sexual and reproductive health, the right to work and the right to access justice on an equal basis with others. The Council asked the High Commissioner to hold an enhanced interactive dialogue during its 51st session, with the participation of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan.

Yet these words seem sterile empty and useless: UN News on July 1 published a terrible “statistic”

The situation of women in Afghanistan is so desperate that they commit suicide at the rate of one or two a day.


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