In the picture red shoes in Vigevano where various initiatives were organized on the occasion of the international day for the elimination of violence against women

The theme of the 2021 campaign is #OrangeTheWorld.
Orange is the color to represent
a brighter future free from violence against women and girls, if you want you can share the gif or a personal picture of yourself with this color.

All very nice, but ten years have passed since Europe adopted the Istanbul Convention and in essence the situation is only getting worse.

The number of victims is terrifying, just as following the cases in the daily news leaves us stricken in the face of stories from which, to say the least, hallucinating circumstances emerge.

This is why I find it important to spread the number 1522 to contact the anti-violence line and I liked the idea of some stores to add it to the receipt, bags etc.

In case it is not possible to call, you can start a chat directly from the site

There are also many local associations that are a valid and efficient aid in the area.

The point where the mechanism jams is another and responds to the sad refrain “the laws are there, the difficult thing is to apply them.”

So I would say that since in recent days it has been amply demonstrated that, when the state really wants, in real time it carries out its intent, it would really be the case not to use two weights and two measures.

As my son’s teacher says “there are sons and stepchildren” or stepdaughters in this case, because we are all the same but some keep being more equal.



It was 2018 when little Amine’s face aroused general indignation.

The news reported that the anguish of her expression, which has impressed me personally, was generated when she was told that if she died a martyr she would have the honors of the flag.

Now, net of all the geopolitics, reasons and counter-maneuvers, the fact remains that this photo was a bit of a sort of prelude to many subsequent things.

The latest in chronological order is the signature on the presidential decree which sanctions the exit of the Convention which bears the name of the Turkish capital.

A paradox.

The Council of Europe adopted the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on 11 May 2011.

The Istanbul Convention is widely recognized as the most ambitious legal instrument aimed at preventing and combating violence against women, domestic violence and gender-based violence, such as human rights violations.

It entered into force in 2014 – just three years after its adoption, reflecting the need for member states to have a legally binding treaty to guide them in their efforts to end the violence.

UNWOMEN of which I have already spoken about Emma Watson, strongly called for the withdrawal to be reconsidered with this statement

Zehra Zumrut Selçuk, head of the ministry of family, labor and social services in Turkey, reassured by replying that women’s rights are guaranteed in national legislation, in particular in the Turkish Constitution, and in a tweet communicated the intention to continue with zero tolerance because violence against women is a crime against humanity.

What I don’t understand is: why then disavow a treaty that goes in the exact same direction?

Or rather, I understand it, in the context of internal strategies that are based on political maneuvers. Like everything else, after all.

But in the end: for Turkey, Europe yes or Europe no? This is the dilemma …


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