What does Artycapucines mean?
Rue des Capucines is the location of the first Louis Vuitton store in Paris.
The maison in 2013 to celebrate this successful debut which dates back to 1854, launched the Capucines bag.
In a short time Capucines became an iconic model.
Arty Capucines is the fusion of classic and art: six international artists personalize the bag expressing their completely unique creative flair.
On the website you can find photos, details and information from the 2020 edition.
The next limited edition of 200 bags will be released in October but many previews are also circulating on the social profiles of artists such as Donna Huanca who defines it as a surreal experience
Among others, I cannot fail to pay particular attention to one name: Paola Pivi.
Do you already know her 2007 performance One Cup of Cappuccino Then I Go?
A photographic print belonging to the ACACIA collection by Gemma De Angelis, donated to the Museo del Novecento in 2015.
In case you’re wondering… yes: it’s a real leopard.
I admit my abysmal ignorance in terms of art, so maybe it’s better if I ask for help … Art and Cult Blog maybe will want to enlighten me.
Meanwhile, I remain on the topic of bags … this artistic performance was the inspiration for the Arty Capucines version curated by Paola Pivi.
The decoration in the shape of cappuccino cups, which a particular varnish makes similar to porcelain, is inserted using the inlay technique, while for the foam the leather, much softer, is embellished with gold leaf applications. Finally, the leopard is made with an overprinted embroidery to give an additional sensory dimension similar to fur.
Paola Pivi advises us to look into the pockets …
what will there be in your opinion?