I saw her win it …

And “it” is the BB Global Force award presented by Billboard magazine during the BB Women in music ceremony. 

Global Force as an award given in recognition of a woman in the music industry who has made a significant contribution to the business and who, through her work and continued success, inspires generations of women to take on increasing responsibilities in the field.

The Women in music event celebrates women at the forefront of all fields of music from composers and songwriters to educators and all other music professions.

I saw her …

She needs no introduction: Annalisa, @nali is Global Force.

I did not follow her debut, and the first time I heard of her was in the measure of “good but second best.”

Until during a play organised by the middle school my son attends, a pupil struck me by singing about a blue cat

I then went to research and discovered that the song was by Annalisa.

Annalisa who for all these years has continued undaunted to be “good, but in second place”.

And yet there is not a person who does not know her ‘I saw her …’.

Despite having my radio perpetually on the frequency of Virgin, a radio that only plays rock music, without really knowing how or why, I have found the refrain of Mon amour in my head.

And ‘I saw her…’ has officially become part of my way of speaking: when I find myself describing something mixed, tangled, entangled.

Physics graduate Annalisa Scarrone, Nali, teaches us how to chase dreams and show the world the Global Force.

Did you see her win?

I dedicate this photo to Tony: ultimate Katy Perry connoisseur.



On the fact that the bubbling of coffee rising in the mocha is a pleasant sound we all agree, right?

I report again the chance to download the ringtone.

We have already seen together an alternative use of the mocha for cooking mushrooms.

Do you know of any others?

Following Giuliano Sangiorgi‘s participation at the Locomotive Jazz Festival I saw that the mocha can become a musical instrument!

They are the MOKA Family big band.

They call themselves fourteen crazy musicians who, armed with instruments and musical mokes, shoot thoughtful lyrics to the rhythm of Symphonic Swing’n’Roll in a stage-musical game suspended between reality and imagination.

Sounds like a good saraband to me, the merriment is infectious, don’t you think?

So thinking about the musical mocha, what other object produces a sound that you particularly enjoy?

It could be the sizzle of pancakes, the “sclock” of the cap of a jam jar … here we also go on onomatopoeia and therefore I ask for help with the right words.

Dried fruit at Christmas sclock?

Or is it the cookies under the teeth that crackle?

In The Big Chill for example, the characters make a sheet of aluminum foil musical.

Cate Blanchett in Bandits uses ladle and pots.

And when you throw yourself on the sofa? The noise is muffled and preludes the welcome of comfort that awaits us.

Staying on the relaxation moments but also on the music theme: are you among those who under the roar of the shower water sing?

What do you like to sing?


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