According to the idea that we always should separate into two opposing factions, in Italy it seems to be back to the times of Guelfi and Ghibellini. If you are not on one side, it must mean that you are on the other, (and I wonder WHY), also TV’s are apparently dividing the roles … yes, I know, I’m talking about “dated” devices for the current average duration, even if in reality they aren’t that old.
So at home for example on a TV Mediaset channels are still visible but no longer La7 and others, and vice versa.
From 1st January 2020 DTT channels (digital terrestrial) are going to abandon the current MPEG-2 encoding standard to switch to MPEG-4 which is currently provided by HD channels i.e. in high definition.
But this will only be the first phase: the final transition will end by 2022 and involves the passage to new transmission technologies such as HEVC “High efficiency video coding” which offers better data compression, or DVB-T2 “Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial Second Generation ”or regulated to bring the HDTV signal on digital terrestrial.
Why all this?
Because the frequencies which we are using at present must be left free for the 5G network, therefore for mobile communication, ensuring a high connection speed for mobile phones.
What about disabled TVs? We will need a decoder. Again
At this point the question: does television still offer a useful and adequate service?
The programs that do not take sides neither with the Guelphs nor with the Ghibellines to be clear, the serious programs, the programs that make culture or even entertainment that is not the famous “copy of a thousand summaries” are perhaps used on the fingers of one hand .
Considering we already have to pay a tenancy tax by continuing to call it a fee, which is stuck in electricity bills, is it really worth spending more money?
The way we are used to advertise, and I’m not just talking about advertising, honestly, doesn’t it have to be them paying us?



Old mug or new mug?
If you receive new cups, how do you deal with the old ones? Do you immediately stop using them, put them in the cupboard, do you get rid of them?
I do not do text, I have already described this feature of mine a little out of time.
Anachronistic. True.
And, in general, I find the guidelines originating from the evolution of many procedures increasingly incomprehensible.
For example, I do not understand the policy of the phone companies according to which favorable conditions and reduced costs are offered only to new subscribers.
If you have been a subscriber for years, your rates have risen over time but you cannot have the concessions reserved only for non-customers.
I do not understand why.
Or rather, of course, the reason is always the gain, this is a fact, but the meaning is equally elusive.
So we find ourselves being taken for granted, like the cups of all time, those that do not break, those that have passed decade, fashions and models.
You, who have always paid, for years, are not important, you are there, you’re for granted.
And, even on the day you stop being there, you will only be considered like a lemon to squeeze to the last penny under any pretext: without scruple they will continue to issue invoices to the bitter end, charging any type of cost that can be assumed.
Invoices addressed to a person who has been a customer since the days when telephones first entered homes, gray, with the big wheel and the wire.
Invoices addressed to a deceased person.
But respect is also dead.
Any reference to facts that really happened is by no means casual.

So is it worth continuing to be a new customer?
I’m asking.





Whenever I think to the word antibiotics I find myself humming this phrase by Alanis.
Of course, antibiotics are a phase from which we all hope to get out quickly.
What maybe not everyone knows, is that pharmaceutical companies, or more specifically investors, do not consider convenient anymore to invest in the research necessary to fight the new bacteria that have become resistant, since the economic return is small.
Sick people take antibiotics for a week at most.
Much more profitable to address to other types of medicines that treat patients for years, without eliminating the disease, such as medicines for diabetes.
In addition, manufacturers are experiencing problems due precisely to the ineffectiveness of antibiotics designed to defeat infections that can no longer eradicate fungi and bacteria that have developed defenses against medicines following decades of overuse.
Ironically, bacteria evolve more intelligently than we do.
It will be that they still have survival at heart, but we only are slaves to money.
Can you figure Fleming while being told that it is not economically convenient to continue researching his penicillin?
In reality, there is little to laugh: as reported by the New York Times, pharmaceutical giants such as Novartis have left the sector while other companies are bordering on insolvency.
Antibiotic start-ups have gained weight in recent times but an example of the situation may be the 15 years and above all the billion dollars used to approve and insert a medicine against urinary tract infections among essential. Sadly emblematic numbers.
In the past, scientists with modest means managed to obtain stunning results, in the past twenty years, only two new classes of antibiotics have been introduced, the rest are variations of existing drugs.
I am referring to the research data of the New York Times, the research situation in Italy is sad. While it was a researcher and medical officer of the Italian Navy who first understood the bactericidal power of some molds. Vincenzo Tiberio sensed a connection between the water taken from a well on whose walls there was a layer of mold, and the subsequent use of water from the same well once the walls were cleaned, managing to demonstrate the therapeutic action of some substances contained in molds.
Guess what: I feel like we have ended up at the bottom of the water well, and that the water is not clean.


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