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The news given on the official website of The New York Times, was reported by all the press, and in particular also by Tom Grundy: blogger and founder of Hong Wrong closed in 2015 for the new job of editor in chief by HONG KONG FREE PRESS (HKFP)
The reason for the transfer of part of the NYT editorial staff from Hong Kong to Seoul lies in the new Chinese national security law in Hong Kong launched on July 1st: the twenty-third anniversary of the change of flag in Hong Kong.
Carrie Lam, chief executive of Hong Kong said that the new law is not doom and gloom , but rather mild, compared to the laws in China.
Meanwhile, this law will be based on the same principle of vagueness as Chinese law and has been announced as a real Sword of Damocles on the heads of those who threaten national security.
For this reason, the group of young pro-democracy activists originally part of Scholarism within the Umbrella Revolution, merged into Demosisto, name chosen by joining
the Greek word Demos = people
and the Latin word Sixtus understood as standing a little to say those whom resist
decided to dissolve “under the circumstances.”
The announcement was published with a tweet on behalf of the most famous and representative faces: Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, Jeffrey Ngo and Agnes Chow.
About a year ago an arrest with scare tactits had already started for them.
Amnesty International called their arrest an “outrageous assault on freedom of expression”.
I have already mentioned Evelyn Beatrice Hall, on the other hand Benjamin Franklin teaches us that “Anyone who wants to take away the freedom of a nation must start prohibiting freedom of speech.”
We should NEVER underestimate the importance of free expression, and let’s not forget these guys.
“Freedom of expression” should be available for all, not only for western magazines and news media in China and/or Russia.
Now, in 2022, all Russian state media in the west are blocked: Russia Today, Kremlin News, etc.
Where is this “freedom of expression” in the collective west? Did it fall into the Atlantic, which has been occupied and abused by NATO ( = NORTH ATLANTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATION) for the past decades?
You are absolutely right Olivia.
I agree with you.
Freedom of expression should be for EVERYONE.
It should, but it isn’t!
No it is not.
Fortunately, many people are fighting for the truth to be known.
But it can be dangerous to fight for the truth, when you are in the wrong place, where your truth is not welcome. Then it is often wiser to keep quiet. Health and life are very important. We need to preserve it. I would not want to die for the truth.
Yes: it can be very very dangerous.
In fact, for example, I wrote this post precisely because, due to the danger, the editorial office of the newspaper had decided to move after the arrests of some people.
This reminds me of a short text by the German Communist writer, Bert Brecht, who survived the fascist Reich, where Communists and Jews were killed in death camps:
Measures Against Violence
As Mr. Keuner, the thinker, spoke out against Violence in front of a large number of people in a hall, he noticed how people drew back from him and left. He looked around and saw Violence standing behind him. Violence asked: “What did you say?” – “I spoke out in favour of Violence,” Mr. Keuner replied. When Mr. Keuner left, his students asked him about his backbone. Mr. Keuner answered: “I have no backbone to get smashed. I, of all people, must live longer than Violence.”
Thank you very much for this contribution Olivia!
So far I have only read excerpts from Bertolt Brecht, I did not know this passage that you brought back. It offers a very important reflection.
Live longer than violence.
To survive.
Yes! Avoid violence and survive! A good motto!
I hope it spreads more and more!
I hope so too.