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Pehi is described as a proximity network.
In what way is this network ‘proximate’? What would you think of?
I found this description:
proximity networks (the networks of friends, neighbours, work colleagues …) represent the potential of relational resources that today’s individual can draw on to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex society.
Pehi may perhaps have something to do with work, but it is independent of colleagues and certainly not a relational resource.
Pehi is a service, which was presented during Venditalia: Vending Exhibition held from 15 to 18 May.
Vending has to do with vending machines, with which I immediately associate coffee vending machines 🙂
This service is a project born from the collaboration between
Confida: Italian Association of Automatic Vending
Illimity banking group as PSP: Payment service provider.
Payment service provider corresponds to what we are now used to know as PagoPA i.e. electronic payments by the public administration.
This is the proximity network: the possibility to pay through ATMs.
What do you think?
To do this all you have to do is access the ‘same app you use for food and beverage’ … app that I honestly didn’t know about, to get coffee I’m forever hunting for coins, and you?
I realise we’aren’t in the town here … tell me what the vending machines are like at your place.
If you have the app, just scan the QRcode and you pay ‘in the time of a coffee.’
What do you think?
Pehi is spelled with an h but sounds like the verb to pay.
Do you pehi?