Denise Ho, or HOCC as her fans prefer, was arrested on December 29 in Hong Kong

I already told you about Hong Kong and the Umbrellas Revolution

Unfortunately the situation is only getting worse, Denise announced with a tweet that she was released, a bit like what happened for Agnes Chow, but the arrest also involved the staff of Stand News, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy website accused of “seditious publication.”

Any act of rebellion, hostility, excitement to subvert institutions that is concretely capable of producing an event that is dangerous to public order is considered seditious.

Hong Kong, a former British colony, returned to Chinese rule in 1997 with the promise that its freedoms, including freedom of the press, would be protected.

Amnesty International asked for the immediate release of all intelligence workers arrested only for having carried out their legitimate work journalistic.

In June, the director of the Apple Daily newspaper: Jimmy Lai announced the closure, again following a series of arrests.

In this tweet there is a letter written in his hand after the sentencing for the commemoration of Tiananmen.

“Systemic erasing of history.”

So Denise Ho’s speech and voices like hers are extremely important

Denise was born in Hong Kong but raised in Montreal Quebec. However, she decided to return to launch her career in Cantopop.

Did you know Cantopop?

Not me, and I found an interesting explanation for it here

Among other things, I also discovered Caffeine Tears by Dear Jane! Now I absolutely have to understand the origin of the name of this band which is called Chinese acoustic rock.

Becoming the song is instead the docufilm that describes Denise’s journey from pop star to human rights activist.

Definitely to follow, don’t you agree?



The news given on the official website of The New York Times, was reported by all the press, and in particular also by Tom Grundy: blogger and founder of Hong Wrong  closed in 2015 for the new job of editor in chief by HONG KONG FREE PRESS (HKFP) 

The reason for the transfer of part of the NYT editorial staff from Hong Kong to Seoul lies in the new Chinese national security law in Hong Kong launched on July 1st: the twenty-third anniversary of the change of flag in Hong Kong.

Carrie Lam, chief executive of Hong Kong said that the new law is not doom and gloom , but rather mild, compared to the laws in China.

Meanwhile, this law will be based on the same principle of vagueness as Chinese law and has been announced as a real Sword of Damocles on the heads of those who threaten national security.

For this reason, the group of young pro-democracy activists originally part of Scholarism within the Umbrella Revolution, merged into Demosisto, name chosen by joining

the Greek word Demos = people

and the Latin word Sixtus understood as standing a little to say those whom resist

decided to dissolve “under the circumstances.”

The announcement was published with a tweet on behalf of the most famous and representative faces: Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, Jeffrey Ngo and Agnes Chow.

About a year ago an arrest with scare tactits had already started for them.

Amnesty International called their arrest an “outrageous assault on freedom of expression”.

I have already mentioned Evelyn Beatrice Hall, on the other hand Benjamin Franklin teaches us that “Anyone who wants to take away the freedom of a nation must start prohibiting freedom of speech.”

We should NEVER underestimate the importance of free expression, and let’s not forget these guys.


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