Three million euros is the amount awarded as compensation for the 17 years spent in prison by an innocent man, one would wonder if this is the price of a depredation.

This is what I had written in recounting the Ilaria Alpi affair. 

But now unfortunately a further question must be added: Is three million euros the cause of Hashi Omar Hassan’s death?

According to the thesis bouncing around the various news outlets, the reason for the killing is precisely related to the compensation money.

But the Order of Journalists together with Usigrai and Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana, in union with all the associations participating in the #NoiNonArchiviamo campaign, 

have signed a writ of incorporation as offended parties to continue to demand the truth about the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin.

Let’s take a step back: with the previous story, I had stopped with the compensation for the wrongful imprisonment of Hashi Omar Hassan. To summarize what happened next we can refer directly to his appeal published

on the Facebook page of Chi l’ha visto

Hashi Omar Hassan therefore asked for help so that he could find his family in Sweden and Somalia.

In Somalia, however, he found death, a violent death, just as violent was the death of Ilaria and Miran.

A bomb under the seat of his car in Mogadishu blasted him and the silence that like a dusting will fall back on the truth, beginning to cover it again with the blanket of time.



The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) defines infant formula: “Baby Formula” as a food that purports to be or is represented for special dietary use exclusively as infant formula by reason of its simulation of human milk or its suitability as a complete food or partial substitute for human milk.

It may seem strange, but in the United States the various brands of Baby Formula on the market are produced almost exclusively by the same company: Abbott Nutrition

Leaving aside issues of monopoly, this caused a huge problem when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) network, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local partners investigated consumer complaints and/or reports received by the FDA from September 2021 to February 2022 regarding illnesses among infants who allegedly consumed infant formula products from Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, MI, facility, advising consumers not to consume milk powder from certain batches.

Abbott initiated a voluntary, proactive recall of powdered formulas, including Similac, Alimentum and EleCare, manufactured in Sturgis, Michigan, one of the company’s manufacturing facilities.

Consumer complaints were related to Cronobacter sakazakii or Salmonella Newport found in infants who had consumed powdered infant formula produced at this facility.

This resulted in a drastic difficulty in sourcing powdered milk precisely because of the fact that virtually most of the production is from the same facility.

This is a huge problem, since infants whose mothers are not fortunate enough to have breast milk cannot feed on anything else.

Real special flights have been set up to solve this emergency: Open Fly Formula

A protocol has been initiated to transport infant formula via an airlift procured by the DOD i.e., the Department of Defense.

The company that produces this infant formula reports that in order to move the infant formula from Zurich, Switzerland, to Plainfield, Indiana, in the United States, it takes about 21 days with a commercial plane to ship and clear customs so that it can enter distribution.

Instead, the cargo was transferred from Switzerland to Ramstein to be loaded onto two C-17s on Bravo alert in Germany and through USTRANSCOM i.e., U.S. Transportation Command, the transport was done under the auspices of this sort of motto:
Regardless of whether the needs are in Ukraine, India or even here at home, from deploying combat-credible forces, to providing vaccines, food, water and supplies during a pandemic or natural disaster, USTRANSCOM will provide.

Can you tell me exactly what “combat-credible” means?

Undoubtedly the milk emergency had to be solved, what puzzles me is the mixing of “aid” and “military.”

Meanwhile, a kind of chain of solidarity was created among parents to find advice through Facebook groups in which, however, scammers and profiteers took over.

How did we do it before milk powder existed? I wonder, too.
Were nannies the only alternative?



If you see her: the ex-mother-in-law wants the Polo back this is the writing above the photo, published on the Dutch blog GeenStijl, of the woman we have come to know as Sara LemLem.

This story dramatic at first is becoming bitter for the people involved, to whom all my respect goes.

I know, this is also extreme who cares news, but since the episode of Chi l’ha visto hasn’t aired, we can’t run out of updates, right?

And since it all started from Vigevano … you don’t care, do you ?!
Come on, now I’m telling laughing

For those who are not chilavister … briefly: in December the appeal for a woman who disappeared from Vigevano is released.

I know you will say “with the fog you have, where is the news?” 🙂

Joking aside, obviously the companion is very worried, even if, perhaps due to apprehension, his words at first seem strange.

In light of the incessant news about feminicide,  also considered that Mr. Corrado said that Sara left after a quarrel, he was asked questions about the nature and above all about the modalities of their quarrel, fearing the worst.

In the following days the searches are extended in every possible way, and the firefighters plumb the Naviglio Sforzesco and other city waterways, without any positive results.

But the diffusion of the photo, published on the website of Chi l’ha visto, bounces almost everywhere, and leads to a Dutch track that reveals a twist unexpected about Sara’s past.

Patrick, from Amstelveen, provides documents, photographs and also the complaint relating to the car of his mother, the ex-mother-in-law who wants the Polo back, which seem to leave no doubts.

The contact takes place through the editorial staff of the Informatore Vigevanese to which then Mr. Corrado tells more details about how he met Sara on a Belgian dating site, and about their trip to Italy.

Sara never wanted him to go to her flat claiming that it was in common with an Egyptian cousin, with whom she also collaborated on a working level.
Sara arrived at the meeting with all her luggage in a car that she left in a parking lot in Antwerp, saying that a friend of hers would have taken steps to recover it.
Sara told him she had lost all documents.

And I’m not even writing that, while doing research, I found Sara as an author, or more precisely as a Milanese videomaker of Eritrean and Ethiopian origins, but that the link leads to an even different identity: Sarita, because at this point it is not even important.

Thinking of people who disappear, where it does not turn out to be a terrible epilogue, one wonders HOW one can even travel without a trace …

Here, in this case the ex mother-in-law rightly wants the Polo back.



As a bad researcher, unfortunately I was unable to find a pearl that I wanted to show you: it came back to me hearing about the House of Gucci set everywhere.

Ridley Scott is filming in Italy between Gressoney, Milan and Como and rumors about the cast are going crazy, which boasts a remarkable roster of characters: Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Al Pacino, Jared Leto and Jeremy Irons…

But I would like to focus on Patrizia Reggiani: reading that she was annoyed at not having been contacted by Lady Gaga, I immediately thought back to the interview during which I had got to know her in all her resolute personality.

November 13, 1993: one of Harem’s guests is Patrizia Reggiani and Catherine Spaak, with that touch of perfidy hidden under her smile, interviews her in particular about the separation.

Patrizia Reggiani tells how Maurizio Gucci noticed her at a party as a “red elf” because of her dress, and adds that she initially made him believe she was the daughter of a “truck driver” only to specify that her father had an important transport company.

I remember one of Catherine Spaak’s comments: “I would have continued to be the trucker’s daughter a little longer …”

But the crescendo comes when Spaak asks “has she already had a lot of money, the house here, the boat there … isn’t that enough?”

Answer: “Gucci assets have been rated xxx, what do you think?”

Well, obviously I don’t remember the figures or the details, but the response phrase and the tone of the “what do you think?” remained impressed on me as if I had heard them yesterday.

And I imagined them as a frame for the statements against those who will play her on the big screen.

I want to clarify, but promise me not to ban me for this, that I do not like Lady Gaga … well, I said it.
I am talking about the singer, because I have not seen A star is born and therefore I do not comment on acting, which, moreover, has been praised by everyone.

But meeting the person to be interpreted is not the rule.
Do you remember examples of this?

The vision of the film will give us the arduous sentence …

Speaking of visions, in case you, who don’t have all my springs, have never seen Harem, I suggest you recover some excerpts: at the time the interviews with Catherine Spaak gave various goodies, making people known a little more in detail a variegated parterre of characters.

Find a selection here

If, on the other hand, you want to get a personal idea of Patrizia Reggiani, you can review the interview with our lady Franca Leosini for Storie Maledette.

And, just in case, as always: correct me if I’m wrong.



It’s the title of one of Scarlett Johansson’s many movies, but I’d say it’s a great caption for this image too.

Natalie Portman is indeed a good company to share a coffee with.

With her Scarlett also shared the sisterhood on the set of the film in which they played Anna and Maria Bolena which unfortunately I have not yet seen. You?

On the other hand, I have seen many others, starting with The Horse Whisperer, although she had already worked in other films: in fact she started very young and her career was a varied crescendo of characters and genres in which she always ranged with success.

In recent days, however, I was struck by her image rigorously without superstructures, as if to underline even more the accuracy of the appeal for the release of four people detained in Egypt, among whom we know in particular the case of Patrick Zaki

Before being arrested during a visit to his family, Patrick Zaki attended the University of Bologna which in recent months has undertaken many initiatives in his favor, also by the rector himself who mentioned him in the opening address of the University.

But it is Scarlett’s words that hit the mark: “Speaking out loud has become dangerous today in Egypt” and for me they sound particularly terrible even in the light of what happened to Giulio Regeni.

After this message three people were released, but not Patrick Zaki, even if surprisingly, today there will be the hearing that after the renewal of the pre-trial detention was scheduled for January.

We therefore join the hopes that Zaki will soon find himself in good company.

And above all, we all continue to defend a fundamental and very important value: freedom of thought and speech.

I had already mentioned Evelyn Beatrice Hall

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

And since I recently talked about George Orwell I would also mention

If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.



“There are new evaluation topics, in our opinion very important …”

Alberto Stasi’s lawyer recently explained in an interview the request to review the process which frankly comes unexpected.

In 2017, the Court of Cassation declared the extraordinary appeal filed by the Stasi defense inadmissible, after rejecting the appeal in 2015 and after the 16-year sentence of the Assize Court of Appeal in 2014.

Everyone, even those who follow the news cases less assiduously, were affected by this crime that ripped apart the holiday atmosphere in August 2017.

A quiet village, a simple girl, a banal bicycle, and the house: the place where everyone feel safer, suddenly filled with horror. An inexplicable horror that conveyed concern, indignation and a long series of questions.

I found answers and precise explanations in the book by Gian Luigi Tizzoni, which tells in a simple way the succession of events that represent ten years of life for him.

So much so that I personally had the feeling of reading pages of a diary, rather than cold legal exposures.

The book begins on August 18, 2007: not the date of the murder, but the day of Chiara’s funeral, when the lawyer Tizzoni still had not received the task of protecting the Poggi family. And it is divided into six chapters, as many as the degrees of judgment.

“I think they killed a person, but maybe she is alive, that’s how Stasi described the death of the girl he was in love with.”

These are words of Gian Luigi Tizzoni, as could be your words or mine. It is not the story of a lawyer, it is the story of a man, “of a long journey, of a real odyssey.”

I recommend it: for example, despite having always followed the story, I finally got to understand the issue of the pedal and to rearrange exactly all the various pieces of the puzzle, or rather, to use the words of the author again:

“Each clue integrated perfectly with the others, like mosaic tiles, creating an overall picture …”

in case, then, if you want, you can tell me what is the picture you see.


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