And for people who
love only you
For all those kilometres I have travelled for you
International you must win!

I particularly like this ‘and for the people who.’ 

The people.
The people who, on Sunday 30 April, celebrated Inter’s second star when the championship is not yet over, after a year of great satisfaction that made up for loooooooong let’s say more unfortunate times.

But also people with a passion,
People who sing, cheer, smile, celebrate. Positive people, joyful people.

Supporters world is a varied galaxy that encompasses many types of people and undoubtedly part of if has many faults and criticisms.

Anyway Sunday was the day of those who prefer brotherhood to violence, of those who share and unite.

I’ll tell you a little episode that happened on the underground: a platform quite crowded with people waiting with flags, scarves, shirts and whatever else.

Four or five very young boys arrive from the opposite railway, see the fans and shout “Go Inter!”

Immediately the supporters dedicated to them a chorus.

A little girl with very long hair, up to that moment on the sidelines with her daddy, pulls out a flag bigger than her and starts waving it.

Joyful eyes, smiles.

And then the youngest of the kids in front exclaims ‘He’s a Milan fan though!’

General laughter.


There, far from all the dynamics of the market, earnings, business, rivalry, rancour, danger, a small moment that we will always remember.

That’s what I like about soccer.

🎵And for the people who …🎵🎵

I think that listening to the Inter supporters singing this song in chorus is very evocative, not to mention when the voices are added to the lights of the mobile phones that create like a firmament in unison, in a word magic.

It happened that this chorus of lights in the stadium was followed by a lucky action, and someone attributed the phenomenon to the Love Frequency.

The famous 528Hz representing the DNA frequency as if the body knows how to tune in to this frequency. Have you ever heard of this?

In these contexts, the boundary between the spiritual sphere and the concrete part blends, but the theory rests on real grounds.

You can find an explanatory study here

Note that the test subjects were asked not to consume caffeine!

Crazy stuff … 🙂

Joking aside, oxytocin should go up, for example.

What do you think?

Are you a supporter?

What would be an appropriate song to create your Love Frequency?



On the fact that the bubbling of coffee rising in the mocha is a pleasant sound we all agree, right?

I report again the chance to download the ringtone.

We have already seen together an alternative use of the mocha for cooking mushrooms.

Do you know of any others?

Following Giuliano Sangiorgi‘s participation at the Locomotive Jazz Festival I saw that the mocha can become a musical instrument!

They are the MOKA Family big band.

They call themselves fourteen crazy musicians who, armed with instruments and musical mokes, shoot thoughtful lyrics to the rhythm of Symphonic Swing’n’Roll in a stage-musical game suspended between reality and imagination.

Sounds like a good saraband to me, the merriment is infectious, don’t you think?

So thinking about the musical mocha, what other object produces a sound that you particularly enjoy?

It could be the sizzle of pancakes, the “sclock” of the cap of a jam jar … here we also go on onomatopoeia and therefore I ask for help with the right words.

Dried fruit at Christmas sclock?

Or is it the cookies under the teeth that crackle?

In The Big Chill for example, the characters make a sheet of aluminum foil musical.

Cate Blanchett in Bandits uses ladle and pots.

And when you throw yourself on the sofa? The noise is muffled and preludes the welcome of comfort that awaits us.

Staying on the relaxation moments but also on the music theme: are you among those who under the roar of the shower water sing?

What do you like to sing?



I start with Debbie Harry, simply because I particularly like this photo and I hope it can be an inspiration for you too.
I would skip the details of his life more strictly personal and I would speak directly of the mythical times of the CBGB after the meeting with Chris Stein and the creation of Blondie who have characterized the scene since 1974 for a long period full of successes.
Without a doubt, I mention Call Me for the collaboration with Giorgio Moroder, which has become an iconic soundtrack and more generally a piece that evokes an emotional flashback at every listening: new wave, disco music, dance rock.
Debbie stayed with Chris for fifteen years during which they also fought a serious illness together.
A wonderful Heart of glass, but at the same time a strong heart, this is the first thought I have of all about her.
A woman who at fifty-three continues marking history with a first place in the chart that enters Guinness.
A woman who knows how to cross past present and future without distinction, like her portrait made by Andy Wharol with the Amiga 1000 computer.
A woman also celebrated in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, who has been able to become a symbol with her ruffled hair and an uncalculated look but framed by her determination.
And his One way or another, deliberately covered with joy as a “survival mechanism”, resounds sadly current, making us reflect once again on the fact that over time, we persist in not treasuring experiences and that we cannot learn from mistakes, getting worse.
Anyway, let’s start from her smile and her intent to restore lightness and take an example, one way or another …



Don’t know how about you, me for the first coffee I definitely have to give myself a tone, so it will be better to put on glasses.
The first coffee must be strong, a good charge is needed, and it must absolutely be cheerful because smiling, or better yet laughing, is always a great antidote.
Whether you arrive at this first coffee, jaded after the party or directly in your pajamas; whether you arrive at this first coffee enthusiastic about life or with the weight of sadness on the heart; this coffee must be rock.
The first coffee must make you recover energy.
The first coffee must reduce toxin, did you know that caffeine stimulates the release of catecholamines which induce a 10-15% increase in basal metabolic rate? You will tell me: who cares.
It must be the coffee of who cares.
It can also be today’s coffee I want to stay off: maybe we can postpone this start, can’t we?!
Provided it remains a special coffee.
The first coffee.
The coffee of trust, and even if you are at the point of cursing the next time you feel that “it cannot rain forever”, I remind you that it is exactly like that, and given that the example of that Cinderella’s has already been mentioned , I tell you: what about Sarah Connor?
In the end, hell if he crushes it under the press that damned cyborg!
Keep in mind that under the press there can be various types of things, so don’t feel pressured yourself, rather think of “pressing the problem”.
It may seem like a threat, but it is for a good purpose.
Without presumption, I would prescribe you the coffee of not waiting for tomorrow to be another day, start today, because you have every right to be happy and to be well, always.
Always keeping as plan B the classic “go ahead you because I’m going to laugh”. Wearing big glasses it makes sense.


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