With E poi saremo salvi – And then we will be saved again I thank Monica and again I talk about the Strega Prize.
And then we will be saved is the debut novel by Alessandra Carati, published by Mondadori, winner of the Opera prima Viareggio Rèpaci prize and among the top seven finalist books for the Strega 2022 prize.
Andrea Vitali, celebrated writer from Bellano, proposed and presented the book.
The salvation told by Alessandra Carati is sought because of the war in Bosnia through an escape to Italy, but the characteristic of this novel is precisely its ability to show how being safe does not mean being saved.
And one finds oneself reflecting on roots, or perhaps better said uprooting, and how there is no place in the world where one can escape from pain.
A pain that manifests itself in different ways is that it is the only true “arbiter.”
Alessandra tells us Aida’s story in episodes, sort of like when we remember “that time.”
And in between times, life flows.
And in between times the family changes, while remaining a fixed point, at times distant, like the land of her origin.
The reflection this reading leaves me with concerns the impossibility of leaving behind pain, whatever kind it may be.
We cannot prevent pain from being part of us; we can only choose how to live with it.
Salvation, then, in this book, reconnects with another Strega Prize winner, Tutto chiede salvezza – Everything asks for salvation, the book by Daniele Mencarelli.
There are indeed many kinds of salvation at different levels.
I find these words of Pablo Neruda emblematic:
If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life.
However, I am also struck by these two basically similar interpretations:
Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.
Martin Luther King
The only tool that can save my life is imagination.
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Did you feel saved when?