Triestespresso Expo, now in its eleventh edition, is taking place these days: 24 – 25 and 26 October under the banner of Where the world meets in a cup.

It is the world of coffee and much more.

I got in touch with the president of the Trieste Coffee Association a fortnight ago about the hypothesis of an increase in the price of espresso, and as part of our chat we also talked about the event.

Arianna Mingardi 

explained to me the intention of enhancing blends, promoting research, spreading quality, making an effective and immediate comparison: wine.

Nobody discusses the price of wine because it is clear to everyone the value of the work that goes through all the stages to obtain the product.

Wine has well-marked and distinct diversifications, connoted to the territory and also to tradition.

Will this also be the case for coffee?

Away from Trieste, it seems that this is precisely the trend: in the discussion that originated from the interesting exchange of comments, in particular Valy of MyPersonalBlog pointed out various points such as Aprilia Due or Stazione Termini in Rome that offer special coffees.

Do you have the chance to drink speciality coffees in your local cafès as well?

There will be tastings at Triestespresso Expo.

Planned for today are:
World Latte Art Grading Battle Championship (WLAGS):
at Workshops and Events Area, Hall 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Baristas from all over the world will showcase their creativity and technical skills, competing to create intricate and artistic designs in coffee foam.

Moka Contest:
at Hall 27 from 15:00 to 17:00
Coffee lovers will compete in a contest using the iconic moka pot to brew their best cup of coffee, with participants judged on taste and technique.

Very entertaining, don’t you think?

Yesterday was the Championship Capo in B

You remember, don’t you? I had already told you about the Capo in B

The second day of Triestespresso Expo also hosted a special workshop dedicated to Turkey  which has been chosen as the host country for 2024: ‘Opportunities from around the world: the coffee market in Turkey – Current situation and development.’

So a decidedly international imprint to weave new opportunities for an area that is strongly characterised by the whole coffee chain.

Are you going to visit Trieste?



No doubt that coffee price has risen.

Wherever and in whatever way you buy it.

In particular we are paying seven euros more in a short time.

Considering this, my husband set about calculating the difference for us who with a kilo of coffee go over 142 cups on the basis of seven grams each, comparing the cost today and the cost six months ago.

il prezzo del caffèil prezzo del caffè

In general, a controversial and very popular topic is the hypothetical new price of the cup at the café: two euros.

How does price get there?

Lu had already pointed out to me a whole repertoire of common discontents, expressed in more or less colourful ways.

I am very interested in your opinion as a consumer, what do you say?

I thought to consult industry insiders and experts, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again.

ALTOGA: National Association of Coffee Roasters, Coffee Importers and Food Wholesalers sent me the link to their press review that you can find here

Click then for the file on

comunicato stampa Altoga

The opinion of Martina Mazzoleni, marketing specialist at Caffè Ernani is as follows:

The price of espresso in the next 5/10 years willy-nilly will reach € 2.00, for the following reasons:

  • Increase in the price of the raw material i.e. green coffee, from 2019 to today the price has increased on average by 400%, some coffees have seen peaks of even 600% more.

  • Climate change: there will be more and more people asking for coffee, but there will be less and less coffee available. And by the law of supply and demand when there is more demand and less availability of a resource, the price goes up, it is economics.

  • If we want a fairer catering industry, prices must be increased. We often complain as citizens about the low wages in the restaurant industry (and I am not referring to those who hire non-compliant, etc., those are not entrepreneurs to me), but precisely about the too low wages with the industry’s collective bargaining agreements.

  • Skyrocketing running costs, if in the past it cost X to run this kind of business, today it costs X times 2, so twice as much.

  • Increased shipping costs, it doesn’t look like it but even shipping costs in the best cases have doubled, in the worst cases they have quintupled, so there must be a higher mark-up at the end to be able to pay them.

  • Wars, which created problems precisely because of the previous point, shipping.

  • Pay fairly at origin too, if we want to stop exploiting farmers and pay the right price for green coffee, we must also raise prices to consumers.

  • Apart from Italy, no country still has coffee prices this low, we are lagging behind.

  • With the entry of the new EUDR, even less coffee will be allowed to be imported into Europe, so even higher prices are expected in 2025.

Finally, I understand that consumers rightly cannot afford too high coffee prices, but this is a problem of wages that are not being raised by the state at national level, not of the baristas or coffee roasters who in the last 4 years are simply trying to survive the worst crisis our sector has seen since coffee became a global commodity, i.e. since the 16th century.

Giulia Spinoni of IEI Italian Espresso Institute provided me with a document with an emblematic title: no to instrumentalisation.

Click for the press release

Istituto Espresso Italiano

Trieste Coffee Association you already know it: we talked about the unofficial capital of coffee

Once again I would like to refute the alleged coldness of the north-east: once again I had the privilege of finding maximum availability and exquisite cordiality.

The president: Arianna Mingardi is among those women with whom one is immediately on the same wavelength, where it is the value of people that counts.

I contacted the association in a particularly fervent period for Trieste, so I say stay tuned because we will have the opportunity to chat further on the subject.

To stay for now on the coffee price issue: the president explained to me that, starting with the raw material, i.e. raw coffee, the increases have been slow but continuous, in step with adverse weather conditions.

However, it is not only the price that has risen: consumption has also increased significantly, especially from countries that previously did not consume coffee.

The logistical situation is also very difficult, due to very long waits for transit through the Suez Canal, or alternatively, the circumnavigation of Africa.

Even considering the real speculations that affect this as well as other sectors, the main thing that emerges is the attention paid to the protection of a supply chain that affects the entire territory at various levels, aimed at making coffee a valuable beverage.

Before concluding, I would also like to issue an invitation to our Laura from Al tavolo di Amalia to get the point of view of Naples: what about suspended coffee at the price of two euros?



Trieste Coffee Association is one of the few associations still active and is third in Europe.

Staying on the trend of coffee in Trieste it was really very interesting to learn more about the supply chain.

For this I must say THANK YOU to Fabrizio Polojaz President of AssoCaffè Trieste for the availability and courtesy with which he illustrated every single aspect that connects Trieste to coffee in a total way.


Trieste has always been a harbor city, as we know it is not remembered as particularly influential: we rather know the magnificence and power of Venice. But between 1710 and 1720 Trieste found “a protector:” Vienna. The Austrian Empire has become a continental empire and decides to create its own merchant port in Trieste.

At the end of 1700, with the sunset of the Serenissima the second important step: the competition was interrupted.

Third crucial point: the construction of a “southern” railway (with respect to Austria), to allow goods unloaded from ships to leave by train to arrive in Vienna within a day.

The fourth important progress takes place with the construction of the Suez Canal: the entrance into the Mediterranean no longer requires the passage through the Pillars of Hercules, and, directly from the Aegean, the way to Trieste is short, as well as favorable.

Even today Trieste is the northernmost harbor in the Mediterranean.

Here you will find an original print from the Dino Cafagna collection illustrating Triste in 1719 before the free port.


As we all know, coffee is not grown in Europe, but grows in the tropical belt: equatorial Africa, Asia, India, Central America and South America.

I quote the words of the President Fabrizio Polojaz:

these goods create knowledge, knowledge creates profession and profession creates supply chain.

This chain begins with the financial part: that is, banking institutions for the purchase, and insurance companies with very specific policies.

Logistics plays an essential role starting with the forwarding agents because obviously we are talking about long-distance transport, but it also includes warehouses for conservation, processing for the improvement of the raw material, and phytosanitary management.

A first transformation is carried out by the roasting companies, which are about fifteen in Trieste.

There is also an industry for decaffeination (there are only nine in all of Europe).

And also chemical laboratories, tasting, experts, training schools and various equipment sector.


Three European language families:


three preparations:

for Italians moka and espresso
for Nordic filter coffees
for the Balkans, Turkish and Greek coffee

again, I quote the words of President Fabrizio Polojaz verbatim

People from Trieste are spoiled consumers, and lovers of good coffee.

And again, paraphrasing Nino Manfredi’s historic and unforgettable commercial

coffee is recharging, even spiritual and if the coffee is not good … what pleasure is it?

How can we disagree?

Among other things, it must be said that Trieste consumers are not only “spoiled:” compared to a national average per capita consumption of about 5 kilos per year, the Trieste average reaches almost 10!

Not bad really.

But what’s even more fantastic is theirs… how can we call it?

Nomenclature? I would say no: it’s not exactly technical terminology.

Code? Nor, code is too “mathematical.”

Peculiarities? But it sounds not very poetic to me.

In short, they have their special habit, of asking for a NERO when they want to order an espresso at the bar, just as Nick also told us in the comments about his professor.

When I asked the President Fabrizio Polojaz if there is a particular reason for “nero” he replied simply: to fondle.

However, it is not just a question of nero, apparently the bartenders in Trieste have something more to learn than the others: are you ready?

The typical cappuccino does not exist in Trieste.

For the milk and coffee drink we are used to thinking about, we order caffellatte.

CAPO, is also shortened in size: small cup or glass.

But if it were a glass, then it would be CAPO IN B, obviously, right!?

Don’t you immediately feel like trying, even considering what Luciana told us here

Finding ourselves “at the cafe,” it is natural to ask for an opinion also regarding the increase in the price of coffee, so much criticized almost everywhere.

In this regard, the President of Assocaffè Trieste invites us to take a look behind the scenes.

The cup represents a series of very long steps: after cultivation, the coffee is stripped, processed, kept in silos, treated in parchment, bagged and shipped.

At its destination, further selections are made, it is roasted and blended, because the coffee is the result of the composition of different qualities, before reaching the barista who grinds and presses it.

All these are the items that make up the bill.

The last two years, so difficult for everyone and everything, have been problematic from the point of view of cultivation, which has suffered production drops caused by the difficulty of harvesting the coffee at the right time.

And there is not only a shortage of good quality products, there is also logistical difficulty, both in terms of traffic: after the long period of inactivity everyone wants to ship, and in terms of costs that have literally increased tenfold.

But the considerable decreases in consumption and, last but not least, the organizational and managerial burdens that the barista had to adopt to fulfill the requests of the various DPCMs were also affected.

So it is worth defending quality and work, do you agree?


In addition to the historical cafes already mentioned that offer a unique experience to visitors, Trieste is organizing a coffee festival: the Trieste Coffee Festival, in addition to the professional Triestespresso Expo exhibition, and in particular the Coffee Trieste Association is working with tour operators.

The goal is to ensure that the knowledge they have gained, so deeply rooted in the territory, and characterized in full, can also be enjoyed by tourists.

Among other things, it is already possible to organize visits to coffee roasters to discover this important stage in coffee processing, for example.

What do you say at this point?

They can truly say they are the capital of coffee.

Although, rightly, Minister Centinaio in response to the tweet wrote that the dossier presented to Unesco involves the symbolic cities of coffee in Italy, including Trieste.



In addition to coffee, of course we are regular consumers of pasta, so why not celebrate it today too?

What’s your favorite pasta?
And how do you like to cook it?

In recent days there is a lot of talk about Senatore Cappelli wheat following the complaint of all the farmers’ associations against the SIS Società Italiana Sementi which was fined by the antitrust for the unjustified increase in the price and above all for the constraint of the supply chain.

Because? What’s special about it?

It is a stronger and more suitable wheat for the production of pasta selected over 100 years ago by Nazareno Strampelli, a famous geneticist agronomist, who dedicated the discovery to Senator Raffaele Cappelli, promoter of agrarian reform in the early 1900s.

It is a durum wheat that has fought hunger in times of war, and over time its purity has been protected by preventing contamination and keeping the supply chain controlled and certified.

But this time, rather than antitrust, I would like to talk about health: pasta produced with Senatore Cappelli wheat, thanks to its better properties and nutritional value, can bring benefits to those suffering from gastrointestinal problems.

The Report transmission broadcast an interview with Dr. Maria Cristina Mele of the Digestive System Disease Center Gemelli Catholic University of the Sacred Heart who stated how much follows:

We gave Senatore Cappelli pasta for four weeks, then we did another litmus test, that is, we made a cross. Those who initially ate Senatore Cappelli pasta, after two weeks of abstention, again followed a gluten-free diet, because we had to clean up any symptoms: we crossed the types of pasta.
Symptoms have greatly reduced.
When we say that it is a statistically significant result, it means that the reduction of symptoms in this case is not related to chance, that is, it is not a coincidence.
We were impressed because we didn’t honestly expect it. And all of them have had benefits.
All those who ate Senatore Cappelli pasta compared to patients who ate the other type of pasta, had a benefit during the Senatore Cappelli course.
We can say that this event took place, but it is clear, we need to confirm the data to enlarge the population.

So we decided to try to eat Senatore Cappelli pasta for a period after which we can tell if we felt any difference.

Maybe you can participate by recommending some delicious and possibly easy recipes since I’m not a great cook laughing what do you think?


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