No UNESCO heritage for espresso: the application was rejected. Passed. Not allowed. What is the most correct wording?

It is certainly more kind to say that the candidacy The Italian Espresso Coffee between culture, ritual, sociality and literature in the emblematic communities from Venice to Naples was not admitted by the committee by the Council Director of the Italian National Commission for Unesco, who preferred the Opera.

Of course we all agree that the art of opera is worth it.

But the coffee just “wasn’t there?” Pity.

However, it remains a heritage for us.

At this point our thoughts turn to the sensational rejections.

The first that comes to mind is the famous Meryl Streep audition for King Kong.

Here she tells us directly, but above all divinely I would say

Or we can quote Fazi Editore and the interview with Elido FaziGore Vidal pointed out Dan Brown to me. His book got there six months before it was released in America. We read it absent-mindedly and didn’t do anything about it.

In other words, we can say that “reading absent-mindedly” harms.

Whenever I think of underestimates I am reminded of Shirey MacLaine and the recurring sentence in The Last Word movie “The Kinks are the most underrated band ever.”

In fact, many were surprised by the choice of David Gilmour who in a 2003 BBC interview indicated Waterloo Sunset as the first of the songs he would choose a desert island.

Do you want to tell me some anecdotes too?

Or maybe you also have a personal experience, of rejection or even better of revenge?

Indeed, more than revenge, I’d like to talk about rebirth

Being born is not enough. It is to be reborn that we are born. Everyday. Pablo Neruda

What do you say?



Keep calm we have heart is the title of a solo exhibition at the municipality of San Severo by the artist Gianni Pitta

San Severo is a place that has impressed me reading Giovanni Rinaldi‘s books, in which certainly the heart is not lacking.

In this case, however, it is about the heart understood in an artistic sense, I quote verbatim: Keep calm we have heart, wants to re-propose the central theme of the heart as a symbol, but also as a language, as a thought whose purpose is mainly to be of hope, of love and not only an amplifier of torment, a consequence of this human malaise.

We undoubtedly need a lot of heart and hope, particularly in this period.

And I found myself thinking about the times when I happened to draw a heart: my hearts were always imperfect, asymmetrical, sometimes just unbalanced.

Yet perhaps they were truer, like this: crooked and squashed.

And if we also try to write heart in a different way, we get for example heArt which is a social platform dedicated to art, born in 2021 with the intention of giving visibility and sharing to artists. .

Did you already know it?

Remaining in the artistic field, HOW MANY times could we quote heart?

What is the first heart that comes to your mind?



Before your memory fades … but the Italian title is The first coffee of the day… could I not read it?

Actually no, and that’s why my husband decided to give it to me.

Before your memory fades is the new book by Toshikazu Kawaguchi 川口 俊 和 published in Italy by Garzanti.

Do you know him?

I was very impressed to discover how Toshikazu Kawaguchi here in Italy has established himself thanks to the word of mouth that has been unleashed since March 2020, when his book Before the Coffee Gets Cold debuted and finished in the bestseller list within a week.

In fact, going backwards, about Toshikazu Kawaguchi

March 2012: the Grand Prize of the Suginami Theater Festival for the stage “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”

December 2015: the novel “Before the Coffee Gets Cold” published

April 2017: the Grand Prize Bookshop nomination

September 2018: cinema adaptation of “Before the Coffee Gets Cold” with Kasumi Arimura

February 2019: 100,000 copies of “In front of cold weather” exceeded in Taiwan

February 2020: the UK version of “Before the coffee gets cold” is 10th in the Bookseller ranking

March 2020: the British version wins the first place in the best-selling literary books in Singapore

until May 2020: his biography mentions a 3rd place as a novel translated in Italy in the ranking of the Corriere della Sera that I have not been able to recover

January 2021: Tales from the Cafe.

Autumn 2021: the project for a TV series  produced by SK Global and developed by The Jackal Group

And January 2022: Before your memory fades.

I don’t want to anticipate the focal point of these coffees nor what happens while the coffee is hot, in case you don’t know the story yet, but surely the idea of these special encounters over a cup of coffee is the key concept here on the blog too.

Unfortunately, without the magic and the Japanese delicacy, and with very different cooling times, but with the same intent to try, very modestly, to give small trips.

And about the first coffee of the day would you like to tell yours?



PCTO or Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation.

Writing an article on the meaning of the expression “Keep Calm and Carry On” is the PCTO project assigned to the students of the 5R class of the “Manfredo Fanti” Liceo Scientifico of Carpi Modena’s area. 

This project is part of the Focus History initiative: Focus Academy, aimed at involving young people in the various stages of preparation of the magazine through webinars that the purpose of promoting not only scientific or historical dissemination, as in this case, but also the various phases before issue.

I would like to clarify that the class was divided into two groups and that the second group also worked on a very interesting topic: the story of Crazy Horse.

My compliments go to all the students.

It goes without saying that I was struck by the subject of these works, so I contacted the Headmaster Professor Alda Barbi to know the origin, but the assignment came directly from the editorial staff of Focus History.

The Focus press office was equally kind but we can perhaps think that there is no specific reason.

And I would say that this is precisely the beauty: there is always a good reason to say “keep calm” don’t you think?

All this made me think back to the glorious days of school, when we still called these activities simply “research.”

Is there a research that has particularly impressed you? What memories do you have of school?

The first research carried out in elementary school often comes to my mind for two reasons.

The first concerns the precise memory I have of my mother as she searches for newspapers so that I can find the images to cut out.

Yes: it was a cardboard billboard with glued cutouts.

If we think about what can be done with images now it really seems prehistoric.

The second reason is the topic chosen by the teacher Virginia, whom I admire and still respect today: foreign words that have come into common use.

Today they are no longer counted: now our language is made up of constant and continuous contamination.

But in search of foreign words I somehow got tied up, and I never stopped trying to learn them.

Who knows if even for some of the students of the Fanti high school this work will mark a turning point, or will represent the first of a long series of steps in the journey of life.


Keep calm, and carry on …



The black book of the Vatican, published by Chiarelettere, is such a tome that it can hold the cup as a secure support …

In reality it is a collection of five books:

Vaticano S.p.A.

His Holiness

Way of the cross

Original sin

Universal Judgment

united and integrated with new unpublished texts.

So at once I rattled off what I perceived as mysteries of a rosary. All painful, though.

Honestly, it took me more stomach in this case than reading Stephen King … other than horror …

In reality, Gianluigi Nuzzi tells news from chronicle that are well known, that we have lived and heard, but up to now I had remained only on a superficial level, except for the case of poor Emanuela Orlandi whom I have always followed with impotence, maintaining the thought to family members.

The black book of the Vatican shows documents that report mind-boggling figures, tells anecdotes that in my opinion surpass even science fiction, but above all it outlines the tragic weakness of the human soul with respect to the power of money in all its subtle manifestations.

Gianluigi Nuzzi was tried on charges of putting the economic security of the Vatican at risk, and for the dissemination of confidential information, in the context of the procedure known as Vatileaks 2.

This is his statement on the day of the sentence: 

Today, for the first time in the history of the Church, the Vatican court will unfortunately pronounce a sentence on a journalist, accused of how he did his job. The prosecution asked for a year in prison for me. In their opinion, I was guilty of “moral competition” given “psychological impulse” with my “presence and availability” for the dissemination of confidential information by those who had to keep the secret. The accusation is all here. I hope after the sentence – whatever it may be – that journalists with their “presence and availability” will always be on the hunt for information, meeting sources to bring you all news, rooms from every country (or almost obviously). Perhaps uncomfortable news, on the malfeasance and mismanagement of community money, even the offers that citizens give to the Church. Being present and available is a professional ability not a crime. So freedom of the press is loudly at the center of this absurd process. This is why I am convinced that today the court will not pass this unacceptable idea. For this I will go to court with my head held high with your incredible support in my heart. Thank you

There is also a parliamentary question to the European Parliament for the trial against Nuzzi, which will be acquitted, as published in Avvenire, because the alleged facts occurred outside the ordinary jurisdiction of the Vatican Court.

Avvenire also reports the declarations of the director of the press office, Father Francesco Lombardi who reiterate the reasons: this trial had to be done above all to demonstrate the will to decisively fight the demonstrations and the incorrect consequences of the internal Vatican tensions and controversies, this was not in any way way a trial against the freedom of the press.

A German production television series is currently in progress, based on the Vatileaks scandal and the subsequent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, edited by UFA Fiction which acquired the rights and appointed Gianluigi Nuzzi as Head Consultant.

Producer Peter A. Weckert said: The truth has to come out!

Will the truth come out for real?


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