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Shadow, what is your first thought?
I start by quoting people: Nick.
Then random: motors
I could go on, more and more, would you like to mention other examples as well?
The world is full of shadows …
I wonder how the choice to call Shadow even a computer that can be accessed remotely came about.
It is is a powerful Windows PC that allows to use any kind of application without buying hardware, which as you know, tends to be obsolete very quickly, as well as expensive.
A faculty that opens up a kind of new and important revolution with respect to the use of technology in our daily lives.
Or do you see it more as another standardization?
The obvious and immediate benefits come in the form of being able to operate at maximum power without having to shell out large sums in equipment purchases.
Also at the level of the environment, the exploitation of certain materials would certainly be reduced, and above all, the need for disposal of many devices would be reduced, since everyone would be able to operate with the available device, simply by connecting.
However, connection may also be the first downside: if it goes off, all work would stop.
The same if the “server” would break.
And again: the conditions at the beginning may appear advantageous, but the costs could rise uncontrollably, as we are unfortunately seeing.
So there is a risk of finding oneself regretting the old PC, perhaps slow but working.
Light, or shadow?
While we decide, something “dark” undoubtedly is the cloud!
I can’t help but think about the scene in which Jason Segel yells at Cameron Diaz, “nobody knows what the cloud is!”
The infamous cloud: a kind of black hole where our data ends up, or a valuable opportunity?
To USerS 🙂 the harsh judgment.
I like the photo of the cup with shadow, Claudia. Black-and-white photography is so interesting, when it works with shadows. “A thousand shades of grey” ….
You’re right Olivia!!
Black and white photography can be pure poetry.
And I also find it very impactful and certainly much more communicative than color photography.
The shades are richness.
It is very artistic, when it is well done.
So true Olivia!
What lovely examples of shadows as seen not only through visual media but through exploration into our own minds and perception of the world!
Surely you will have a poem particularly suited to shadows: with your words you always know how to describe beautifully!
“exploration into our own minds” (Yaya):
When I try to explore my own mind, I enter shadowy zones, with plenty of shadows and many shades of grey.
And this is definitely an advantage Olivia! I think all those nuances can give you rich and varied insights into things for greater analysis and above all understanding.
Exactly! I see this as an advantage too. It heightens the sensibility for nuances.
Consider that I also really like gray as a color.
It is not easy to find “two equal grays.”
A bit like people: because each of us has his own story, his own path, his own experiences, different from each other according to the changes that life has in store for us.