Suspended Panettone is a Milanese initiative that takes its inspiration from the famous suspended coffee in Naples.

With Laura from At Amalia’s table we have already made a comparison between Naples and Milan to understand the most common habits and ways to drink coffee

And, as a curious coincidence, in recent days we found ourselves studying Christmas sweets starting from the tale of the legends about Panettone

I therefore find this new intersection between Naples and Milan even more beautiful because when it comes to generosity there is always something to learn.

Suspended panettone arises from the assumption that unfortunately many people find themselves facing conditions of extreme discomfort, with the aggravating consideration that the situation is constantly and constantly worsening.

Of course, Panettone cannot make any difference, but it can represent a very small gesture, an outstretched hand, a breath of warmth on a day that should be peaceful for EVERYONE.

Therefore, using the Naples system, according to which it is possible to pay for a coffee at the bar leaving the manager the right to offer it to those who are unable to, even in Milan you can buy a Panettone that will remain waiting to be donated.

Furthermore, to each suspended Panettone, the pastry shop will add another in order to double the total number of panettone to give.

To orchestrate this initiative, an ETS was born: “Associazione Panettone Sopeso” which will deliver the panettone to two Milanese structures: the Enzo Jannacci reception home and the Custodi Sociali of the Municipality of Milan.

The patisseries giving this opportunity are recognizable through an exposed logo

and the list, complete with addresses and coordinates, is available on the website where it is also possible to donate online.

It is Christmas and on the Navigli, as in the center of Milan, it is no longer possible to enter the shops: the meager or the hefty salaries allow everyone an ungenerous crowd in search of a happiness that is not there, or that at least cannot be bought. This year I put out the candles: everyone invited me, but that night I won’t do anything different, nothing that I don’t always do, just like when I was a child; at the limit we changed rooms, we went from the room to the dining room to see if Jesus had arrived, and to eat the panettone, which was then called “el pan de Toni” …

Alda Merini, 21 December 2006 



This book after Il colibrì – The hummingbird and Febbre – Fever closes Monica’s trilogy on the Strega Awards.

Everything calls for salvation: the title itself already contains a universe of considerations, yet it takes the reader where he would not have thought he would go.

Personally in life I learned early on the intensity of the brotherhood that is born in hospital rooms, when totally unknown people find themselves in close contact and the common condition of suffering cancels the standard paths of knowledge, making sure that within a few hours you find yourself catapulted into the lives of others in a strong and in many cases indelible way.

However, I had never known this type of department, and I am grateful to Daniele Mencarelli for all that he has taught me with his book.

Never look away, never avoid asking yourself the REASON for behaviors that we do not know how to explain, because there must always be a reason, even though, in the blindness of the standard modus vivendi, it is incomprehensible to most.

At the base of it all is suffering, and even more sensitivity. Extreme, in the purest and most intense state.

A sensitivity that finds no explanation in the cynical world and that, ignored, manifests itself in immobilizing forms, or, on the contrary, violent.

I was left with the desire to know what happens after those five days, not only to Daniele, but also to all the other characters, I would like to be able to read that each of them manages to solve the biggest dilemma: life.

I would like the salvation requested to be granted.

In fact, there is no madness without justification and every gesture that ordinary and sober people consider mad involves the mystery of an unprecedented suffering that has not been grasped by men.
Alda Merini


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