Tutto vero is the title of the book by Alessandro Depegi, whom I thank most sincerely.

I met the author as a blogger and I recommend to follow his Quarchedundepegi’s Blog, you will immediately find his way of telling stories very interesting. 

E-mail after e-mail I am learning so much from Alessandro and I find everything he writes absolutely valuable.

Through his real ‘oral tradition‘ he opens a window on a period of history that I personally have never had the opportunity to get to know in such depth and detail.

But among the peculiarities that make Alessandro Depegi’s expressive language totally unique are his passions, including philately.

A world that is unfortunately dying out, a world that is dear to me because it also fascinated my father.

Do you still use stamps? When was the last time you received or saw one?

I often tell you about my personal nostalgia for letters

Did you ever think you could travel by following the route of a stamp, or discovering the history of various issues?

Few people have such detailed philatelic knowledge as he does.

But even fewer people have Alessandro’s life experience: a man who was able to combine his scientific expertise with deep and intense human research.

All true, then, what he tells in his book, just as definitely important is everything on which the reader will find himself reflecting “with wonder” to quote his words, and “by chance … that chance that does not exist.”

I conclude with this quote, wishing along with Alessandro that many may be the “Awakened.”

“Everything is either true or untrue, true and untrue together and, likewise, neither untrue nor true. Such is the teaching of the Awakened Ones.”



The subtle art of not givina a f**k is the book written by Mark Manson: three-time #1 New York Times bestselling author.

His books have sold some 20 million copies, have been translated into more than 65 languages, and have reached number one in more than a dozen countries.

In 2023, a feature film about his life and ideas was released worldwide by Universal Pictures.

Impressive numbers indeed.

The subtle art of not giving a f**k also received endorsements from very famous people.

My thanks rather go to Elisa Mirko and Diego for giving it to me.

A title that to call catchy is an understatement, needless to say my first thought was,:with all my multitude of paranoia, I surely have a lot to learn.

Do you always get your way?

Actually the Italian translated title is The subtle art of doing the hell you want and I think it doesn’t express the real meaning of giving a f**k.

It’s not exactly the same thing, is it?

The difference is as subtle as the “art” described in the book.

In my life I’ve given a f**k about a lot of people and a lot of things … And those f**k I didn’t give made all the difference. This is the sentence with which the author introduces the book on his blog.

Yes: blog. It all started from a blog because Mark Manson wanted to be a digital nomad.

Undoubtedly he was able to largely fulfill his desire.

Undoubtedly he has been able to maintain a remarkable balance, I quote his words: when we give a f**k about everything, then we feel as though we are perpetually entitled to feel comfortable and happy at all times, that’s when life f**k us.

So I may be too unbalanced: I have not been able to get involved in reading, I must be a hopelessly lost case.

And consider that I really like this phrase: not givinge a f**k does not mean to be indifferent, it means to be comfortable with being different.

A concept that encapsulates much more than I was able to get out of the book, despite all the right concepts it introduces.

Tell me about how comfortable you feel with doing what you want to do, are you directing your life, or is your life directing you?

T as TAG

T as TAG

TAG, literally label, in computer science: sequence of characters with which we mark the elements of a file for later processing; by now tag is a tool with which we basically “link” to each other.

Do you often use tags?

I find it fun and I thank Fritz Gemini from the blog Philosophizing in Cheerfulness for tagging me following the idea of the blog The World of Shioren

The rules are simple:

1. Match the first one you can think of with the letter of the alphabet, whether it’s the title of a song, an object, a person, the title of a movie, anything, just as long as it’s off the top of your head, maybe even writing two lines of explanation… assuming it’s there!

2. Make a list (if you like, you can also add pictures or the link if they are songs).

3. Tag as many blogs as possible that you think would be interested (there is no numerical limit).

4. Obviously tag the originator, use the tag image and whoever nominates you so that your responses can also be read.

I started with a set of words, but then I realized that the corresponding translation would not respect the alphabetical order, so I rethought the whole thing by trying to use words corresponding to so-called anglicisms.

just because it sounds good. At first it was concerned with metrics, then the pattern changed, but Genesis decided to keep this title simply because it was abstract.
If you think of something abstract, what comes to mind?

obviously because the break is the prime time for coffee 🙂


D as detective
I love mysteries to be solved!

just to stay on topic …

because fashion equals beauty, creativity, freedom, expression, imagination, flair, art.
If I say fashion, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?


consider it in a good way: I admire the ability.

in general ideas are always important, when they are brilliant they become the heritage of humanity.


… have I seen too many movies?

tell me about an unforgettable concert!

I consider it essential.

N as nickname
how did yours come about?

what is your favorite style?

the first one I remember was a landscape, reconstructed together with my mom, the last one a series of sharks together with my son.

Q as QR code

R as R.E.M.
stage of which I wish I could preserve memory.

what is your favorite soundtrack?

T as TAG
off course


no, actually it’s enough just to say video now: since they became viral in the 1980s, videos evolved from the famous “tube” to TikTok to reels.
Do you create them? Do you follow them? Do you share them?

can you explain how weekends can always fly by in a huff?

cult series! We used to look forward to Sunday nights as a must-see date. Here you find episode reviews by Sam Simon.

Y as You
because to me you are important.

Z as ZEN
because if you have made it this far you surely are zen, aren’t you?

Since reading the blogs of the mythical Reader group I saw that as usual I come last and everyone already made it, I would think of an expansion across the border and, without any commitment of course, I tag Layla: Nin Chronicles,  Karo: Krolowa Karo and Kimberly: Hacketthill Farm.

And I tag you!

T for TAG



“Il traghettatore” which is not proper to translate simply with the ferryman, initially made me think of something else, I don’t really mean Charon, even if in fact my mind inevitably associates the idea, but I would not have guessed who or what would be the object of the transfer despite the clue suggested to me from Monica: once again this reading is thanks to her.

Annalisa Menin, branding and communication expert, moved to New York realizing a dream common to many.

But life teaches each of us that if on the one hand it gives, on the other it takes away… sometimes in a ruthless and cruel way.
The appointment with Annalisa’s destiny is for the day after her thirtieth birthday: the day her husband Marco dies.

Among the pains to be faced, there is also a decision to make: stay in New York or return to Italy?

A real survey was born, which evolved into a blog: My last year in New York

And the blog became a book but also a charity initiative in favor of young Italian students eager to live the same American dream: Remembering Marco

And then five years passed and the need to tell stories, not to forget, became the need to be reborn.
The transition had to take place.


Heart in transit.

And Il traghettatore was born.

Very often Monica and I discuss how to face mourning, how to live as survivors.

Everyone has their own story, but those who have known the pain of loss can see the shell hyding the suffering of those who have experienced similar pain, which is not the same for anyone.

But with this book Monica also gave me another trip: I often repeat that if I had a time machine I would like to go to New York in the 80s

And although this reading did not teleport me into the past, I still had the opportunity to “see” through the words of the author places, roads, details, I could “feel tastes,” imagine “perfumes” and I breathed the air of New York.

Curious coincidence on page 405: even my grandmother said exactly the same words to me: the beautiful silence was never written. And this is a quote that will remain with me forever.

I conclude with another sentence from the book which I feel as absolutely “mine:”
The sense of guilt is that gift that you never stop receiving.

This time I strongly hope that it is not the same for you.



Again I am extremely grateful to my Jaya author of the blog Nin Chronicles but above all author of wonderful poems that have the power to create magical atmospheres, emotions and sensations.

The Rules of this Award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.

  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

  3. Nominate 11 people and ask them new 11 questions.

  4. Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their posts.

  5. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award in your post.

I take this as an opportynity for talking a bit more about me.

Jaya’s Questions:

  • What is your favorite song and why?

Come as you are. Nirvana.
I love everything about it. It was love at the first listen: the sound, the basic but primary meaning, the music, the way of singing.

  • Do you love to cook? I mean, do you LOVE to cook?

No, I don’t really love cooking, even if when I cook I try to do my best.

  • What motivates you?

My first and top important motivator is my husband Massimo.

  • How do you make peace with writer’s block?

Through rock music and local landscapes.

  • What is your favorite snack and why?

Bounty because I like both chocolate and coconut.

  • What do you think about the state of the world?

Extreme sadness.

  • Where do you want to take your writing/blogging?

Towards people. I like knowing people and learning about and from them.

  • Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Wile E Coyote.

  • How do you practice self-care?

Ehm … backup question?

  • Sweet or unsweet coffee/tea?


  • Do you ever dance with wild abandon? I mean WILD abandon!

 Off course: I am a total mad laughing

My questions:

  1. Do you like coffee? laughing

  2. What do like reading the most?

  3. Is there a particular kind of music that let you feel good?

  4. Are you used to sing at least while you are in the car?

  5. Do you like detective stories?

  6. Is there any musical you fall in love for?

  7. What is your favorite movie?

  8. The most beautiful place in the world for you is?

  9. If you could choose a gift for yourself, what would it be?

  10. Do you prefer getting up early or late in the morning?

  11. Would you give me one or more advices? Thanks!


I follow Jaya’s step and I leave this as an open nomination too.

If you would like to talk a bit more about you, you will be welcome!
Not only sun shines … come on SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE!




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