Separate waste collection has now given us wide awareness of the amount of plastic we consume weekly: something between the scary and the hallucinating.

A first obvious nonsense is the wild packaging.

Such as those packets of biscuits for which we then find ourselves having to throw away: external film, cardboard box, polylaminate wrapping, and finally plastic tray, very often with internal swelling, and this I say as deluded … it always seems that there are many more biscuits and instead then …

Of course I mentioned the cookies as they are a product that is well suited to coffee, but only as an example of a long sad list, list freely too.

It should be noted that the CONAI website informs us of the products and companies that have reduced the impact on the environment: here you can find specifically, a sample concerning biscuits, to stay on the subject.

Do you think we are at least in the right direction?

Is it really that hard to change habits?

I would like to tell you about my experience with the milk distributor, which I have missed a lot since they closed it down, unfortunately.

For me, going with the shopper full of empty bottles to fill even for the neighbors, was one of those mild moments on chaotic days.

My son, then little, had taken it as a game, happy to drink his glass of fresh milk after helping me: he was better than me!

The bottles were reused, the milk came directly from the producer: a farm in the neighboring hamlet of the town, and that could already be enough as a good thing, right?

It had become a beautiful sharing.

It had.

Like all good things, it ended early, because interest always prevails over everything, the cursed law of earnings, according to which the success of that small self-service had probably begun to annoy.

Fortunately, sometimes news arrives from other countries that prove to be more virtuous, do you have any testimony or anecdote to tell? It’s really like this?

How about breaking the boxes?



Luciana asked me for the recipe and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jaya and Salvo too for their pasta recipes, and to answer Maria: Kefir tastes good to me, but consider that I don’t like sweetening … it is actually acid with a very slight slightly “alcoholic” tip so Jaya’s advice to add fruit smoothies (or simply fresh fruit) or to make other types mixing using fantasy is more than appropriate for someone who is not much for “raw” things like me laughing

But let’s get to Sablé Pastry: the first time I tried it was when I was looking for a recipe for something sweet that was egg-free since my father couldn’t eat them.

To tell the truth, many recipes, starting for example with Il cucchiaio d’argento, include eggs in the preparation, but they seem perfect to me even this way: sablé means sprinkled with sand, a concept that can be associated with the idea of a certain amount of friability, otherwise I miss the difference with the shortcrust pastry, but you correct me if I’m wrong.


150 g of flour

100 g of butter

50 g of sugar

20 g of coffee

a pinch of salt

The coffee must not be hot and you can also dose it by eye according to the consistency of the dough: so that the resulting paste is smooth and elastic.

Before being worked, the dough must rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which you can indulge yourself with the shapes.

Who has cute stencils?
For example, I obviously have a weakness for wings

Transfer to baking paper and bake at 180° for about 18 minutes, to keep an eye on and evaluate also based on the thickness of the cookies.

I don’t know about you, I would then dip the edges in melted chocolate or pair the cookies with a generous layer of Nutella in the middle laughing too much? Come on, with the first coffee it fits …



During Christmas time we use to tell “all you need is love and Christmas cookies” but you can’t miss a nice coffee! The universally known Christmas cookies are perhaps the classic gingerbread, a sort of art expression through shapes and decorations: beautiful to see, as well as tasty. I was looking for coffee biscuits, of course, and I found various versions of just bean-shaped sweets, but in the end my choice fell on coffee sablé filled with chocolate cream, guess why … Maybe you know and you have already prepared them. What are you cooking for Christmas? Each place has its own particular tradition, a recipe different from all the others, the one that reminds us of our roots, Christmas at home. What are yours§ I would definitely start a survey, not so much the classic Italian pandoro vs. panettone: let’s keep both! Rather: what do you prefer between a generous dose of mascarpone with panettone and a filling of the pandoro with melted chocolate glaze and various types of creams? So at this point, I could also ask for the sub-survey “creams how?” Last Christmas I received a pistachio cream as a gift which was a real show and which has worthily taken the place of the standard custard, for example. As well with regard to the custard, we can speak of subcategories: lemon, vanilla or? While you choose I make coffee.  


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