Star Wars day or May the fourth iconic data that represents the mythical motto May the Force be with You.
The Star Wars day 2022 in Vigevano took place not on the 4th but on the 7th of May: that is the first Saturday next, and the force was in all those who love the Star Wars saga.
At the event organized by Diapason for Medium Size in collaboration with Bottega dei suoni more than force I felt happiness flow through me when I saw these children
Isn’t it wonderful to see them play so free in a meadow?
Of course I also congratulate a lot with all the extras of the international costuming groups officially recognized by LucasFilm: 501st Italica Garrison representatives of the empire and the Sith, Rebel Legion Italian Base representatives of the Rebellion and the Jedi, Ori’Cetar Clan representatives of the Mandalorians, Saber Guild Trento duelists with lightsaber together with the section dedicated to children under 18 Galactic Academy Varykbellino.
Unlike some very characterized genres, which often either love or hate each other, I believe that Star Wars is universally known and even appreciated, albeit to different levels.
As usual, by now you know me, even in Star Wars I arrived later, with one of my usual trains late …
I remember very well the amazement of Massimo, who was not yet my husband at the time, choosing a film to watch together: “You’ve never seen Star Wars ?!”
At the time there were only the first three movies, released in May in the years 1977, 1980 and 1983, which then in reality became the fourth, fifth and sixth, that is the Sequel Trilogy, after that starting from 1999 George Lucas returned to give other “episodes” that made up the Prequel Trilogy.
Obviously it was love at first sight, or perhaps I should say a lightsaber stroke: a lot to learn I still had …
And you?
Needless to say, the soundtrack immediately impressed itself indelibly in my mind. Standing ovation for John Williams.
Speaking of impressions… what do you think of these cappuccinos?
The dark side of coffee …
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger to hate; hate leads to suffering ...
In the comments the picture of a native character particularly radicalized in fear: Darth Anxiety 🙂