One more cup of coffee is the Bob Dylan song that Lorenzo recommended me.
One more cup of coffee in this case for me represents the symbol of a new pleasant meeting, albeit online.
Before talking about it, a premise is necessary: when I wrote about Keep Calm & Go Volunteering in the comments Olivia asked:
Not wasting food is a very good idea. I never heard about this project before. How can young people be stipulated to waste less, to lead a more natural lifestyle? Could you tell us a bit more about it?
And Laura wrote:
Beautiful idea. I have the feeling that young people are victims of consumerism and therefore not inclined to recycle and recover. We hope that initiatives of this kind can break through.
So I turned the question straight to them, who were kind and nice enough to invite me for a chat.
In this way I was able to meet Ariela, who is the coordinator in charge, Edisona, Sophie, Veronic, Mehdi and Lorenzo.
“The” Lorenzo who recommended me Bob Dylan’s song as well as other interesting and precious tips on cinema, books and theater, mentioning Questi fantasmi
as Laura also told us .
And these young people, volunteers from the Europe Area of the Belluno CSV, also taught me a lot.
How to promote anti-waste culture in young people?
Going to schools, as they do, talking to children and teen-agers to spread not “lessons” but workshops, and returning several times to follow and see that the concept sown grows.
Stimulating to invent special recipes that have as a common denominator the idea of cooking without wasting based on the concept of giving, but also receiving advice.
Planning to create a blog where to publish these recipes to increase the interchange as much as possible.
Organizing events and celebrations on the occasion of international days.
By proposing linguistic tandems, or great opportunities thanks to their multiculturalism: informal conversations in English, French and Spanish, free and open to people of all ages led by Edisona , Sophie
, Mehdi
and Hamudi
. with the aim of meeting the community, socializing and practicing languages.
And still broadcast their work through a web radio.
I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited and one thing is certain: there will be one more cup of coffee.