There is still tomorrow which sees the directorial debut of Paola Cortellesi is the film that won the Audience Award, Special Jury Prize and Mention as Best First Work at the Rome Film Festival

Paola Cortellesi doesn’t need to be introduced, I always remember one of her gags in which she ironically listed all the things she has done, which are really so many and very different from each other, but which have the same feature in common: they are all done well.

I thank Elisa and her proposal: we went to the movies together fearing that we would have to use tissues to wipe tears and instead we mostly surprised ourselves.

The Friends.
In the movie: Delia and Marisa.

Emotion, however, was not lacking.

I, for one, was moved by the portrayal of a mother’s love for her daughter, who is played by Romana Maggiora Vergano in the film.

A love above all things, a love for which nothing is impossible, a pure and unwavering love.

Fragility and strength in a maelstrom of endurance and determination in which the ability to carry the crushing weight of a long interminable series of verbal and physical injustices and bullying, is catalyzed in the resolute will to seek a better destiny for Marcella.

Mother and daughter.

A crushed mother and a model daughter who does not understand Delia’s submission.

Succumbing and resisting at the same time, in a dance that is broken melody, is rock, is hip hop rap, is retro.

Marcella does not understand, but she will.

Marcella will look at her mother Delia and see the affirmation of a seemingly simple but extremely important gesture as a right, as a beginning.

Every change has a beginning.

There is still tomorrow represents “the music that changes” in a literal sense: I cannot fail to mention the repertoire songs from the soundtrack:
Aprite le finestre Fiorella Bini
Nessuno Naked Music
Perdoniamoci Achille Togliani
A bocca chiusa Daniele Silvestri
M’innamoro davvero Fabio Concato
La notte dei miracoli Lucio Dalla
Calvin The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
B.O.B. – Bombs Over Baghdad Outkast
The little things Big Gigantic featuring Angela McCluskey
Swinging on the right side Lorenzo Maffia and Alessandro La Corte
Tu sei il mio grande amor Lorenzo Maffia, Alessandro La Corte and Enrico Rispoli.

Surprising, isn’t it?

Surprising as what you don’t expect from There is still tomorrow: the ending.

Indeed, in my heart I hoped that Delia’s project would not be the obvious one, but at the same time I would not have guessed an epilogue like the one with which Paola Cortellesi invites everyone to a beautiful reflection.

Light yet explosive, simple yet disruptive, just like Delia, just like Paola.

Yes because Delia is Paola, she is Marcella, and she is our grandmother.

Delia is so many lives of giving up, Delia is so many years of suffering.

Like nothing at all.



If I say cooperation, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Etymologically, collaborating means to work together.

Is there one particular thing you collaborate on?

A quote from Goethe says:
It is necessary to come together, not to stand together, but to do something together.

Do you find that to be right?

The laborious idea of doing, where unity does not make strength but creates.

Do you find more inspiration in sharing, or do you need your own carve-out of solitude?

Increasingly at the work level, an aptitude for teamwork is required as a more effective method than joining separate pieces together like puzzle pieces.

Speaking of joining and collaborating, 2010: Escape from Polis is a blog with a very unique concept: everyone can be an author as well as a reader and commenter.

I am very grateful because I received an invitation to write completely freely.

Of course, I accepted it very gladly and thought I would talk about the famous exoskeleton  about which there has been a lot of talk since the announcement of experimentation by workers of a well-known supermarket chain came out.

If you might like to express your opinion, or even just read about it: click on IMPROVE-MENTS



Star Wars day or May the fourth iconic data that represents the mythical motto May the Force be with You.

The Star Wars day 2022 in Vigevano took place not on the 4th but on the 7th of May: that is the first Saturday next, and the force was in all those who love the Star Wars saga.

At the event organized by Diapason for Medium Size in collaboration with Bottega dei suoni more than force I felt happiness flow through me when I saw these children

Isn’t it wonderful to see them play so free in a meadow

Of course I also congratulate a lot with all the extras of the international costuming groups officially recognized by LucasFilm: 501st Italica Garrison representatives of the empire and the Sith, Rebel Legion Italian Base  representatives of the Rebellion and the Jedi, Ori’Cetar Clan representatives of the Mandalorians, Saber Guild Trento duelists with lightsaber together with  the section dedicated to children under 18 Galactic Academy Varykbellino.


Unlike some very characterized genres, which often either love or hate each other, I believe that Star Wars is universally known and even appreciated, albeit to different levels.

As usual, by now you know me, even in Star Wars I arrived later, with one of my usual trains late …

I remember very well the amazement of Massimo, who was not yet my husband at the time, choosing a film to watch together: “You’ve never seen Star Wars ?!”

At the time there were only the first three movies, released in May in the years 1977, 1980 and 1983, which then in reality became the fourth, fifth and sixth, that is the Sequel Trilogy, after that starting from 1999 George Lucas returned to give other “episodes” that made up the Prequel Trilogy.

Obviously it was love at first sight, or perhaps I should say a lightsaber stroke: a lot to learn I still had

And you?

Needless to say, the soundtrack immediately impressed itself indelibly in my mind. Standing ovation for John Williams

Speaking of impressions… what do you think of these cappuccinos

The dark side of coffee …

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger to hate; hate leads to suffering ...

In the comments the picture of a native character particularly radicalized in fear: Darth Anxiety 🙂


I infinitely thank Lucia Amendola Ranesi, together with Mari’s Manual, for the opportunity to discover the book Quattro Terzi Pi Greco Erre Tre which I loved very much.

What is the volume of the sphere? Four Thirds Pi r3.

It is not the first time that I have told my interest in books on mathematics, but in this case I was immediately struck by the affinity of thought.

Starting with a formula to tell a story

Or starting from a story to tell a formula.

Actually both.

The “formula” to which one arrives, however, is not a calculation, but a journey that leads, or rather: brings back, to the origin.

I don’t like to reveal too much, because I would like you to try the same engaging reading experience that I had, and I would like you too to come to the “full circle” with all the load of emotions that accompanied me.

I considered Quattro Terzi Pi Greco Erre Tre as the equation of a world in which to enter through a wonderful exchange of letters, precisely those handwritten letters, the letters  so dear to me.

A family sphere, but also a historical sphere.

And through the life of the characters I first understood the vocation: the passion for studying and teaching, together, as in a real union that lasts for a lifetime.

But the book also teaches that fate is not always behind the things that scare us the most.

And it shows how pure and true love cannot in any way be dirtied.

I will certainly not forget a special Grandmother, whom I wish I could hug as she repeats that all soldiers are sons.

And a special woman: Maria Moreno, who I hope will be remembered for her ability to combine literary and scientific studies, delicacy and strength of mind, poetry and everyday life.

Obviously I tend to focus more on the female characters, but undoubtedly Rodolfo too, as well as two important figures who have left a mark on our history, offer very interesting reflections.

What if I told you Renato Caccioppoli? What if I told you Ettore Majorana?

In a book so close to my heart, could coffee be missing?!

Obviously not! In fact, here it is:



Fresh water for flowers, almost a reminder.

Which has turned into a word of mouth extended to the point of conquering the ranking with advice from reader to reader. In fact, I read it thanks to Monica.

Only later I found the list of awards won: Prix Maison de la presse, the Prix Jules-Renard and the Prix des lecteurs du Livre de poche.

I opened it in the dark, not knowing what flowers to take care of, and I found that the cure was for myself.

The immediacy with which I thought how congenial could be the work that the narrator does, was as simple as when we finally realize something that had always been before our eyes but that until now we had never really looked at.

Wearing such a fitting idea of serenity, however, cannot be a foregone conclusion, as much as it is not certain that the starting point is comparable to lightness.

On the other hand, flowers are symbols of delicacy par excellence.
Flowers are beauty, but also fragility.
Flowers need light.
Flowers need heat.

I loved the backbone of this story, and perhaps for this reason, coming to the ramifications I felt a strong sense of annoyance. But that has done nothing but make it even more of a perfect metaphor.

If we think about it, changing the water is an action of renewal that aims, however, to perpetuate the same goal, and in fact in this book the changes have the characteristic of bringing back to the origin as in the most classic of closed circles, such as the seasons , which complete their cycle.

But flowers can also be born between concrete.


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