Do you recognize the mug in the picture?
I had high expectations for this movie.
Because movies of this genre no longer come out.
Because we go into the field of sacred monsters of writing, and in general of iconic characters I have always admired.
Because I love when a movie stimulates reasoning, I like when I find myself watching with the utmost attention and I know that maybe a detail could make a difference.
You will therefore imagine my supersonic wow right at the beginning when the shot focuses on this mug.
#mycoffee !!
Obviously, I took it as a sign.
If you have already seen the movie, we can start talking about the moment when the mug appears again, just like a silent leading actor.
If you haven’t watched the movie yet, I’ll keep your coffee warm because I’m sure that when you will watch it we will have a nice chat.
In the meantime, we can talk about your favorite movie. A simple question, which is sometimes difficult since finding one movie above all is a difficult task. Although there is an inflation of remakes and sequels that very often produce the only result of making us regret the original, there are still different reasons why a movie earn respect. How do you choose? By genre, by director or actors, by chance?
As opposed to coffee, I shy away from bitter films, and when I watch them, then I take them with me, mulling over later, if they are well done.
Favorite genre? For me musical. What kind of coffee could a musical be? Maybe a mocaccino?
The movie in the picture is a coffee of those that leave a good toasting aftertaste, but maybe I should give you some more clue …



During Christmas time we use to tell “all you need is love and Christmas cookies” but you can’t miss a nice coffee! The universally known Christmas cookies are perhaps the classic gingerbread, a sort of art expression through shapes and decorations: beautiful to see, as well as tasty. I was looking for coffee biscuits, of course, and I found various versions of just bean-shaped sweets, but in the end my choice fell on coffee sablé filled with chocolate cream, guess why … Maybe you know and you have already prepared them. What are you cooking for Christmas? Each place has its own particular tradition, a recipe different from all the others, the one that reminds us of our roots, Christmas at home. What are yours§ I would definitely start a survey, not so much the classic Italian pandoro vs. panettone: let’s keep both! Rather: what do you prefer between a generous dose of mascarpone with panettone and a filling of the pandoro with melted chocolate glaze and various types of creams? So at this point, I could also ask for the sub-survey “creams how?” Last Christmas I received a pistachio cream as a gift which was a real show and which has worthily taken the place of the standard custard, for example. As well with regard to the custard, we can speak of subcategories: lemon, vanilla or? While you choose I make coffee.  



In the most common sense regression means involution, decline.
Regression is the way situation is changing about employment, for instance.
We have destroyed workers’ rights and completely misrepresented the general sense, like if it would be a sort of race to the bottom, an increasingly rampant exploitation in the name of costs cut that only leads to further impoverishment.
Often we forget that the loss of dignity of the individual can only turn into the loss of dignity of everyone.
One of the many facets of the decay we are experiencing is mobbing, a sadly consolidated reality to the point of inducing some subjects to believe, for example, that it can be a tool for temper formation.
Treating in a deplorable way a kid, who is just trying to learn and do his best to complete the school internship, means being unworthy.
As well as it means as a minimum deserving that people, all people, as first thing decide to spend their money elsewhere.
The tools we have available will also be ineffective if taken individually, but we should always remember that the worst defeat is the self-inflicted every time we tell: “that’s how the world goes.”






Of course, shoes are always a good topic while chatting with coffee, indeed, about shoes there is always a lot to tell.
For example, I am one who gets fond of shoes, like many other things, so in my case almost all pairs of shoes have their own story.
What about yours?
I got this curiosity by reading about the exhibition recently inaugurated in Florence at the Fashion and Costume Museum of Palazzo Pitti which traces the evolution of the shoe from ancient times and boasts about 80 models, no, models is an understatement, it is real art that come for example from international museums including the Louvre.
“At the feet of the gods” is a great title, but even ordinary mortals can feel like having wings on feet!
What are the shoes that make you fly?
How do you live your shoes?
Mine practically age with me, and for this reason I have had various path accidents such as the sandal broken precisely while I was running to get my son, or the sole of the amphibious boots that chose to implant on the sidewalk on a nice rainy day leaving me continue hopping like a gerbil.
I would be curious to know how you choose the shoes, or if shoes choose you.
In addition to the outfit, in my opinion, the shoes must also harmonize with the mood.
So what is your mood like?



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