Abandoned Discos is Max Pezzali’s new song for Warner Music. 

The title makes no secret of the subject, but what struck me was the video: a sequence of images depicting the crumbling remains of what were once places full of life and joyful moments, now inexorably abandoned.

The suggestion is made even more incisive by the succession of phrases by the Gotha of disc jockeys, see for yourself:

Have you ever been to one of these discos?

I used to like Friday nights at Celebrity: a discotheque near Novara that actually still exists, where my friend Daniela and I would literally spend the whole time dancing, and at the same time managing to chat 🙂

But it was at Vanità where I went to meet the man who later became my husband <3

The Vanità, the disco in Vigevano portrayed in the picture below the title, no longer exists: a mansion complex was built in its place.

This is also why I find that Max Pezzali succeeds in narrating by giving us the sensation of listening to words coming straight out of our own mouths.

It is definitely his trademark, as well as the secret of his success: simply being one of us.

I’ll never forget a summer evening before social media, before even mobile phones: the TV broadcasts the Castrocaro new voices competition and a Jovanotti introduced a duo.

They come in and sing Don’t bother me, I don’t understand what you want, you knew I wasn’t like you...

For me it was immediate and natural to stay in tune.

Soon the songs from the album Hanno ucciso l’uomo ragno (They Killed Spider-Man ) would be the soundtrack of holidays in Sardinia, Daniela was there too 🙂

1993: the following summer. Life has one of those difficult trials in store for my family: having to face destiny that bursts in to make it clear how from one moment to the next everything can collapse.

While I am in hospital watching my father struggle to live again after a haemorrhage, I receive a gift: the North South West East music tape.

Yes: the ‘cassette’ … Who remembers it?

The guy I went to look for at Vanità 🙂 gave me North South West East and North South West East gave us our song to sing embracing each other at the concert in the Pavia arena.

The days of the San Siro stadium were still far away, and the 883 sang at their home: Pavia, exactly, which is also a province in the broadest sense.

Their home, our home.

The days when the dream of the 883 would come true were also far away.

The characters of the Harley Davidson Pavia  staff are known to all those who followed the series Le strade di Max (Max roads), do you know it?

In case you missed it, you can have a good ride here

To get ‘on route’ let’s go back to 1994: when Mauro’s dream takes a different path …

On stage with Max are Paola and Chiara but also Michele Monestiroli and Daniele Moretto.

Thirty years ago.

And then?

And then life goes by and today we find ourselves in abandoned discotheques.

What did we miss?



Lost is an entirely unreleased track that anticipates the planned April release of the 20th anniversary celebration edition of Meteora.

2003: after Hybrid Theory, Linkin Park unveils Meteora and still do not know that their work will not be a meteor and will consecrate them to music history.

On Linkin Park’s website you can find these words

congratulations on solving all our puzzles and welcome to our warehouse


As you know I love puzzles

I don’t know if in the days during which the countdown appeared before the release of Lost you also tried to solve: clicking on the CD case a word game to guess appeared.

Cute, right?

Overall Lost was really a surprise, and honestly hearing Chester Bennington‘s voice in a totally unreleased track triggered a number of seesaw thoughts for me.

Among other things, the lyrics are particularly striking:

a scar somewhere down inside of me
Something I can not repair ...

I’m trapped in yesterday
Where the pain is all I know

… I’m lost in these memories …

But then, considering the official tweet set on the profile, I agreed to consider Lost as a “time capsule.”


In a less metaphorical sense, now the term time capsule is used to refer to an external hard drive for wireless storage, but it also remains the classic “time capsule” we are used to seeing in American movies and beyond.

For example, there is a capsule in the Well Room of the Torre Ghirlandina at the Civic Museum of Modena, which in this video tells us various interesting facts about it



What would you like to put in a time capsule?

According to the International Time Capsule Society there would be more than 10 thousand time capsules in the world. Only one in a thousand is found.

On Focus you can see a gallery with the nine most wanted capsules in the world.

They are lost

Linkin Park, however, made us find their time, their sense, and they put Anime in it.

Anime アニメ as Kasabake explains on the blog As Circles in the Water comes from “animēshon,” Japanese transliteration of the English word “animation.”

Unfortunately I have huge gaps in the subject, although I find the word Anime poetic and intense, maybe you would like to add something about this wonderful subject?

In the meantime, enjoy your viewing and listening

In an interview Mike Shinoda stated that Lost was not included on the Meteora album because of the sound being too similar to Numb.

What do you think?



These summer days for two completely different reasons brought me a red thread.

The first is musical: Fil Rouge to be precise.
Fil Rouge is the song of Curcuma, but it is also the important step in a journey made of pure passion, commitment, perseverance and skill.
Fil Rouge is re-starting, reuniting, it is part of a big dream and it is a great result.

Personally, I found myself immediately adopting the no matter if “NON IMPORTA SE”… that Dennis and Samuel sing, and I find it perfect.
In general, taking inspiration from the passage written by Samuel, I believe that we all need various NO MATTER IF to repeat ourselves with emphasis and cheerfulness.

The second red thread instead is not in the sunlight.
The second red thread, on the other hand, is DARK.
It is “underground”, occult, and leads to completely different reflections.

Claudia spoke to me about this series: for me a guarantee. During the time I have learned that if she likes something, I will certainly like it too.

What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.
Isaac Newton

At the end of each episode, I was left with a quantity of questions, or alternatively with topics of discussion that only multiplied, so that at the final conclusion my son gave me a definitive explanation which I will obviously omit in order not to spoil.

I would like to make a reflection in a broad sense: it is often said, and absolutely not wrongly, that the lever that moves everything is money.
So it’s nice when instead you find yourself considering a FORCE that starting from a metaphysical engine and a four-dimensional vision is reconverted and can move with equal determination proving to be the generator of events: love.

Love for the family.
However ramshackle, improbable, unstable and imperfect it may be, still Family.



I already talked about In the end  so it’s not a mystery how much I like this song.

But as for Zombie, having also contributed in this case, I want to celebrate the billion views on You Tube, even if for Linkin Park it is the second time, after Numb.

In addition to the official channels, the announcement was made by a tweet from Mike Shinoda, and the thought goes immediately to Chester Bennington.

As with Dolores O’Riordan, however, I want to talk about life: and I recommend you watch this video in which Chester prepares coffee.

For us here in Italy, this way of filtering with water already hot is quite strange, our connection with the moka is visceral, but in my virtual travels on coffee I have had the opportunity to see this system several times and I am a little bit used to.

About the execution of Chester I love his vision of the cup, as if it may not have a capacity laughing

The video also shows his tattoo on the finger very well: he and Samantha Marie Olit, the first wife, had no money for the wedding rings, an anecdote that struck me: I find it a bit the symbol of how life reserves unexpected evolutions, or how chasing dreams is not in vain.

To return to the video of In the end, which had already won MTV in 2002 as Best rock video, have you ever tried to decode the registrations on the portal from which Chester comes out?

In addition to the concept of time of which I have already written, what struck me from the first listening was the choleric explosion of the refrain: Chester who leans with a disruptive force, as far as I am concerned he is engaging to the point of not being able not to sing.

Mike Shinoda said: “the song doesn’t know if it wants to be optimistic or pessimistic. And that’s exactly what I like.”

I find that this is the key: to enclose messages and emotions that can adapt to different visions.

The grass that sprouts where Mike pounds with his boots is my favorite image, Chester Bennington replying to an interview said: “the last image of the video is that of the growing grass: there is still time to change. You have to see the catastrophe on the horizon to decide to act. We wanted to reflect, then everyone draws his own conclusions.”

What are yours?



No need to argue: everyone knows ZOMBIE of The Cranberries.

I can’t simply call it a song, to me it’s history.
It has recently exceeded one billion views on YouTube and I admit that some are mine.
A deserved success, which closes the circle of the previous song of the year proclamation at the 1995 MTV Awards.
Zombie was shot by Samuel Bayer, who also made the video of “Smells like teen Spirit” to be clear, but more than the undoubted quality, I would linger on the message and on the voice of Dolores O’Riordan.
Unfortunately now the first thing that is mentioned everywhere about her is the circumstance of death, but I would like to talk about life.
Not of her biography in detail, but I would particularly underline how she wrote this piece in a flash, after learning of the tragic death of two kids from a bomb.
Although the episode took place in Ireland in 1993, a specific sadly known context, Dolores has always avoided politicizing.
“In your head, in your head” Dolores repeats it, she invokes, she invites to think, it would seem banal and yet too often it is not.
Hers is a cry to unite, to awaken.
“Violence causes silence.”
I find that Dolores knows how to make this silence speak, she knows how to give voice to pain, she knows how to shout not anger, but the strength to say enough.
Zombie is against violence, against the inability to stop violence.
This song’s our cry against man’s inhumanity to man; and man’s inhumanity to child.”
Dolores O’Riordan

I don’t know about you but as far as I’m concerned, the thought comes loud and clear and settles viscerally.
Her “another mother’s breaking heart” becomes mine.
Her voice, her unique way of singing, constitute the focal point: a catalyst, which allows the message to communicate all its disruptive despair.
Zombie was inspired by a child’s death. His life was taken in the arm’s of his mother. She was shopping in London last year, and there was a bomb planted in a rubbish bin in London and he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and he died. The reason the bomb was planted was because of a political territorial kind of thing that goes on in the North of Ireland and the UK. So the references to 1916 was when a contract was signed, which signed away the 6 counties to England. And it still goes on today: the war, the deaths, and the injustice.”
Dolores O’Riodan

Zombies who see and feel pain, yet do nothing.
Zombies not from horror movies and yet terribly scarier: us.


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