The magical world of spoons was the title of the exhibition in Vigevano that I missed.

I was able to retrieve the images here but I would like to chat about spoons with you.

First of all, I admit that I have stopped using spoons since I do not put sugar in my coffee, although in doing so I violate the rules of bon ton that requires that the spoon is always served.

Not only that: I’m also wrong because I don’t follow the advice of experts who say that espresso should be stirred anyway.

Do you use a spoon?

Do you have a favorite spoon?

There are some really fancy spoons actually, here for example the New Wave by Villeroy & Boch

or the Alessi set, again we are outside of the Etiquette though, which requires that the spoons be equal to each other


And had you ever seen Lavazza’s ESpoon?


There is even a “cream-saving” spoon.

Then if the cream is matched with this choc… spoon, isn’t the result sublime?


What spoon do you use?

Among the spoons we have I prefer the white and yellow checked ones, which are not elegant, but are very nice.

Would you believe it if I told you that I managed to lose two of them?

Who loses them, who drops them … Salvador Dalì made the spoons symbol of his research on the oneiric.

Have you ever woken up during a dream and felt the desire to memorize the images in your head the instant they vanished?

Salvador Dalì used to fall asleep after lunch in his armchair with a spoon in his hand, knowing that when his sleep was deep, his fingers would drop the spoon, and expecting that the thud of the spoon would wake him abruptly allowing him to remember.

Undoubtedly he gave us dream works, if you will allow me this pun.


Incidentally, spoons are also a symbol of good luck: the tradition of giving silver spoons to new babies still continues.

This custom comes from the Middle Ages: when newborns of noble families received a silver spoon as a gift as proof of wealth from birth.

Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth.

What did yours look like?

I didn’t get any silver spoons, but I consider myself equally lucky, and I can always fill my empty spoon with a nice dose of Nutella, can’t I?  🙂

Have a good coffee then, perhaps inspired by Liz’s elegance to stir it, what do you say?




ANG in Radio #morethanbefore Belluno Solidarity on Air is the 100% Belluno Web Radio dedicated to solidarity thanks to funds from the National Youth Agency.

Belluno Solidarity On Air is therefore the voice of the guys from the Keep Calm & Go Volunteering project who were kind enough to host me in one of their podcasts!

In case you want to listen to us, you can find the podcast in the first comment.

Listening to my voice again I wonder how those who hear it perennially can bear me laughing

However, it seems that the feeling that leads to disowning or almost despising one’s own voice is quite widespread, and reading the causes explained by Focus I discovered a nice tweet by Giuliano Sangiorgi from Negramaro who tells how the first few times he didn’t even recognize himself and I was a little relieved.

On the other hand, the importance of hearing the volunteers explain their project and tell about the whole series of initiatives and activities they carry out is undoubted.

I am so very happy with this experience.

For this I thank them warmly for how they welcomed me and for the friendship that grows under the sign of our Keep Calm.

From their Committee of Understanding a fantastic understanding was born which has One more cup of coffee as its soundtrack  and an exchange of interesting and valuable tips as a common thread.

In reiterating the esteem I have for them, I once again congratulate them on their work.

To Ariela, Edisona, Hamudi, Lorenzo, Mehdi, Sophie, Veronica I dedicate:

There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.
Ralph H. Blum




One more cup of coffee is the Bob Dylan song that Lorenzo recommended me.

One more cup of coffee in this case for me represents the symbol of a new pleasant meeting, albeit online.

Before talking about it, a premise is necessary: when I wrote about Keep Calm & Go Volunteering in the comments Olivia asked:
Not wasting food is a very good idea. I never heard about this project before. How can young people be stipulated to waste less, to lead a more natural lifestyle? Could you tell us a bit more about it?

And Laura wrote:
Beautiful idea. I have the feeling that young people are victims of consumerism and therefore not inclined to recycle and recover. We hope that initiatives of this kind can break through.

So I turned the question straight to them, who were kind and nice enough to invite me for a chat.

In this way I was able to meet Ariela, who is the coordinator in charge, Edisona, Sophie, Veronic, Mehdi and Lorenzo.

“The” Lorenzo who recommended me Bob Dylan’s song as well as other interesting and precious tips on cinema, books and theater, mentioning Questi fantasmi

as Laura also told us .

And these young people, volunteers from the Europe Area of the Belluno CSV, also taught me a lot.

How to promote anti-waste culture in young people?

Going to schools, as they do, talking to children and teen-agers to spread not “lessons” but workshops, and returning several times to follow and see that the concept sown grows.

Stimulating to invent special recipes that have as a common denominator the idea of cooking without wasting based on the concept of giving, but also receiving advice.

Planning to create a blog where to publish these recipes to increase the interchange as much as possible.

Organizing events and celebrations on the occasion of international days.

By proposing linguistic tandems, or great opportunities thanks to their multiculturalism: informal conversations in English, French and Spanish, free and open to people of all ages led by Edisona , Sophie , Mehdi and Hamudi . with the aim of meeting the community, socializing and practicing languages.

And still broadcast their work through a web radio.

I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited and one thing is certain: there will be one more cup of coffee.



In addition to coffee, of course we are regular consumers of pasta, so why not celebrate it today too?

What’s your favorite pasta?
And how do you like to cook it?

In recent days there is a lot of talk about Senatore Cappelli wheat following the complaint of all the farmers’ associations against the SIS Società Italiana Sementi which was fined by the antitrust for the unjustified increase in the price and above all for the constraint of the supply chain.

Because? What’s special about it?

It is a stronger and more suitable wheat for the production of pasta selected over 100 years ago by Nazareno Strampelli, a famous geneticist agronomist, who dedicated the discovery to Senator Raffaele Cappelli, promoter of agrarian reform in the early 1900s.

It is a durum wheat that has fought hunger in times of war, and over time its purity has been protected by preventing contamination and keeping the supply chain controlled and certified.

But this time, rather than antitrust, I would like to talk about health: pasta produced with Senatore Cappelli wheat, thanks to its better properties and nutritional value, can bring benefits to those suffering from gastrointestinal problems.

The Report transmission broadcast an interview with Dr. Maria Cristina Mele of the Digestive System Disease Center Gemelli Catholic University of the Sacred Heart who stated how much follows:

We gave Senatore Cappelli pasta for four weeks, then we did another litmus test, that is, we made a cross. Those who initially ate Senatore Cappelli pasta, after two weeks of abstention, again followed a gluten-free diet, because we had to clean up any symptoms: we crossed the types of pasta.
Symptoms have greatly reduced.
When we say that it is a statistically significant result, it means that the reduction of symptoms in this case is not related to chance, that is, it is not a coincidence.
We were impressed because we didn’t honestly expect it. And all of them have had benefits.
All those who ate Senatore Cappelli pasta compared to patients who ate the other type of pasta, had a benefit during the Senatore Cappelli course.
We can say that this event took place, but it is clear, we need to confirm the data to enlarge the population.

So we decided to try to eat Senatore Cappelli pasta for a period after which we can tell if we felt any difference.

Maybe you can participate by recommending some delicious and possibly easy recipes since I’m not a great cook laughing what do you think?


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